Healthy and forever young. What does Vladimir Putin look like in the  media?

Last year, when several dozen people from Vladimir Putin’s entourage contracted the coronavirus, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized that the president himself was “absolutely healthy”. This image of a healthy, robust and athletic Putin has been dominating the media and more or less official messages for years. It seems as if the diseases are far from him, and he is always in an iron condition. Is it really so? We’ll never know that.

  1. Vladimir Putin will turn 70 this year, he has ruled Our Country continuously for 23 years
  2. By various means, the president of Our Country is striving to make his country a world power again
  3. Therefore, he himself is created to be strong and resistant to all ailments
  4. This is typical of propaganda under authoritarian and totalitarian regimes
  5. Photos of Putin on a horse, fishing in Siberia or bathing in ice-cold water appear in the media from time to time
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is Putin’s morning like? Late breakfasts and swimming

Vladimir Putin is closely guarding his private life, and what reaches the media is certainly carefully prepared and controlled. government propaganda has a long tradition and is considered “exemplary”.

However, Putin’s love of sports and physical activity is not a media invention. In his youth, he practiced judo, even with success at the local level, and his athletic figure is hardly a distortion. As he says himself, he also avoids cigarettes and alcohol.

Vladimir Putin’s morning starts much later than it does for most people. The president is an owl, so the peak of his activity falls on the night hours. Putin goes to bed late and gets up around noon. Then he also eats a hearty breakfast.

If official messages are to be believed, his table ends up with dishes prepared on the basis of healthy ingredients that the president obtains from an ecological farm. The most common are a large bowl of porridge, cottage cheese, an omelette or quail eggs. After the meal, Vladimir Putin drinks coffee.

  1. See also: Coronavirus in Putin’s neighborhood. What is the epidemic situation in Our Country?

After eating the first meal, the begins training. He swims for two hours to keep the body in good shape. As you know, swimming strengthens muscles, has a good effect on the spine, and also increases the body’s efficiency.

However, the exercises do not end there. After two hours in the water, Vladimir Putin begins strength training, during which he lifts weights.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Vladimir Putin: no cigarettes and as little alcohol as possible

The stereotype of a who eagerly reaches for vodka does not seem to suit Vladimir Putin. The president is not a drinker. If he decides to drink alcohol, he does so only during official meetings, when the toast is, in a sense, an element of etiquette.

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The president also does not hide his negative attitude towards cigarettes. Putin not only does not smoke, but also often emphasizes that it is a very bad addiction.

Among Vladimir Putin’s iron rules there is one more: never eat anything that will not be approved and checked by the Kremlin. The president’s meals must first be properly researched. It is similar with alcohol. When a few years ago the president received a bottle of whiskey as a gift from an MMA fighter, the liquid was immediately poured out by security guards to check for poisoning.

It is also important that Putin is not served milk products during his visits abroad.

Vladimir Putin and active recreation: fishing, swimming and playing hockey

In official reports, Vladimir Putin definitely does not fit in with the image of the stereotypical senior. He does not spend his free time at home, he prefers active recreation in the fresh air, even going to Siberia. We have seen photos of the president of Our Country fishing, bathing in an icy river or riding a horse. Vladimir Putin also plays hockey with his employees, there are also recordings where he shows his knowledge of judo or trains with members of the Olympic team.

Apparently, the president prefers peace and quiet, as well as the company of animals over the city noise. More than once he was shown in the company of dogs. Propaganda or not, it has been known for a long time that contact with a dog relieves stress and improves mood.

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Trainings and keeping fit have a positive effect on the figure, but the smooth face of the president, which is not too age-appropriate, is hardly the result of a healthy lifestyle. Many argue that aesthetic medicine treatments are responsible for Vladimir Putin’s relatively young appearance. However, we will never be able to verify this.

Everything that appears – officially and “unofficially” – in the media space regarding the president of Our Country is carefully prepared and planned. This country cannot allow for a different image of Vladimir Putin than as a healthy, strong, effective and eternally young statesman.

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