Healthy and balanced supplementation
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Supplement is a word taken from Latin, meaning “addition, complement”. Specifically, this applies to supplementing the diet with what is currently unavailable to us. So how to adjust supplementation to our diet, lifestyle and individual needs, explains Dr. Eng. Adam Kuzdraliński from Sundose.

With the changing seasons, the availability of fruit and vegetables, and even sunlight, our vitamin and mineral needs change. If we would like to start using dietary supplements, and we are not able to perform laboratory tests, nothing is lost. There are known research results that show the shortages our population may be exposed to. Therefore, it is often the case that a properly conducted online or telephone interview regarding eating habits and health status in combination with population data can be a valuable and sufficient source of information. This is because deficiencies of certain vitamins or microelements may have symptoms that are appropriate for them.

Vitamin deficiencies and the signals of our body

The results of scientific research say that hair loss and discoloration on the nails may indicate a zinc deficiency. Frequent infections prove that it is worth supplementing the diet with selenium, zinc and vitamin D. In addition, vitamin D should be used in the period of limited sun radiation, ie in autumn and winter. If we feel weakness, stress, lack of strength or apathy, B vitamins, magnesium and adaptogens can provide support in such a situation. Using the correct supplementation is also important during pregnancy. During this special time, the future mother will be supported by the folic acid, vit. D, iodine, omega-3 acids, and if the test results show its deficiency – iron.

Supplementation and other medications

Cases in which any supplementation is not recommended are rare. It happens, however, that some medications exclude selected supplement ingredients, but this usually does not apply to supplementation as such. There are drugs used, for example, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which increase the concentration of potassium in the blood serum. In this case, potassium is not recommended to be additionally supplemented. On the other hand, we have a choice of other compounds with cardioprotective properties, such as vitamin. D. In the case of some drugs, one should also be careful about plant extracts that may interact with their ingredients.

Czy supplements can you overdose?

The popularity of supplements is constantly growing, but their use is often not combined with the analysis of the amount of the ingredient contained in the selected preparation. It also often happens that we combine several supplements together, which, combined with the lack of label analysis, creates an explosive mixture. Such conduct may result in exceeding the recommended consumption of a given ingredient. In addition, our diet also depends on the level of vitamins and minerals in the body. Symptoms of improper use of supplements can range from abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, irritability to much more serious health consequences. There are also ingredients whose overdosing manifests itself after long-term supplementation. The use of vitamin C (over 1000 mg) may pose a risk of developing kidney stones, vitamin D (over 10 IU) may damage the kidneys, and too much iron in the body may be an inflammatory factor. That is why personalization of supplements is so important. Therefore, before starting supplementation, it is worth undergoing a health and nutritional interview, during which we will answer questions about our habits, lifestyle and possible comorbidities (you can do it online, e.g. at Remember that only after a careful analysis of our health, supplementation can be personalized, which gives much better results and is much safer.

– “It is high time that supplements become products closer to the world of science and the current knowledge about nutrition. It will be possible if the supplement is selected on the basis of advanced algorithms that take into account as many factors as possible, including real deficiencies resulting from laboratory tests, diet, health, habits, as well as medications taken on a daily basis. In my opinion, individual adjustment of supplementation will become as common as personalized diets, workouts or modern therapies. ” – sums up Adam Kuzdraliński.

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