Health starts with the gut
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It would seem that the intestines are used only for the absorption of digested food. Nothing could be more wrong! This organ that hides many secrets has long attracted the attention of doctors and scientists. It turned out that the gut has so many functions in our body that the phrase “Health begins with the gut” takes on a completely new meaning.

Take, for example, the immunity of the human body. Not everyone knows that the intestines are 200-300 meters long2 contact surface with the external environment – with food. Such a surface helps our lymphocytes – cells of the immune system – to explore the outside world and learn immunity. It is not without reason that little children take everything they can to their mouths, not avoiding objects from the ground or dirty hands. In this way, numerous antigens enter the intestines that stimulate and educate our immune system. They not only prepare lymphocytes for express defense against pathogens, but also prevent subsequent hypersensitivity to certain allergenic factors.

In turn, the cells of the intestinal epithelium (enterocytes), which are responsible for the absorption of essential nutrients, produce certain hormones and neurotransmitters – including what we all know as the “happiness hormone” – serotonin.

It may be surprising that our intestines are inhabited by microorganisms, the number of which exceeds the number of cells in our body! That’s about 1-2 kg of stowaways. These passengers are symbiotic and commensal strains – naturally living in our intestines and accompanying us forever. Their presence stimulates and supports our immune system and provides a “tight” barrier against pathogenic microorganisms that end up in the digestive system. But most importantly – probiotic bacteria produce numerous substances necessary for the functioning of the body, including vitamin K, biotin, vitamin B12, as well as short-chain fatty acids necessary for the proper, efficient work of enterocytes.

So how to make probiotic bacteria willingly colonize our digestive system and the epithelial cells to perform their functions properly? First of all, let’s take care of the regularity and variety of meals. Our digestive system likes routine – let’s eat meals at the same time. Let’s make sure that our diet includes natural preparations that provide us with probiotic strains – including silage, yoghurt, sourdough bread. It is very important that our diet contains the right amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines, helps to reduce body weight, adsorbs toxins and is the best medium for our probiotic strains. Fiber can be found in whole grain bread, seeds and pits, vegetables and fruits. Considering the WHO recommendations for a fiber intake of 20-40g, additional fiber supplementation may be a good idea. For example, 100% natural fiber from plantain can be found in the Ispagul®s dietary supplement or in a variant additionally enriched with probiotic strains: Ispagul®s + Probiotic.

To sum up – the intestines affect our immunity, reduce allergic reactions, influence the proper nutrition of our body, proper body weight and even our well-being. By taking care of the intestines, we take care of our entire body.

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