Filippo Berio olive oil has a 150-year history and can be proud of its traditions. The taste, aroma and composition of this unique product are constantly being improved, but the high quality of this oil, made from selected olives grown in the Mediterranean, remains unchanged. Excellent raw materials, mixing of different flavors and aromas, cold pressing, as a result of which vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances are preserved-all this makes Filippo Berio oil indispensable in dietary, sports and therapeutic nutrition.
Olive oil for a slim figure
If you want to lose weight or maintain a slim figure without dieting and other restrictions, include olive oil in your diet.
“Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, olive oil normalizes the hormonal background, the violation of which just leads to weight gain,” says dietitian Dina Popova. By the way, in the morning this product is better absorbed, nourishing the body from the inside with useful components and contributing to the normalization of metabolism.
It is no coincidence that in Mediterranean countries they like to have breakfast with olive oil, filling salads and snacks with it. In olive oil, you can prepare omelets and tortillas, toast bread for sandwiches and make casseroles.
Cold-pressed olive oil “Filippo Berio” has a positive effect on the digestive system, reduces the level of acidity in the stomach, treats ulcers and gastritis, cleanses the gallbladder and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. If you want to be healthy and slim-fill your meals with fresh olive oil and take it in the morning as a healthy and delicious medicine!
What is good about Mediterranean cuisine?
Mediterranean cuisine is considered the most useful, because its main ingredients are fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, seafood, herbs, aromatic spices, nuts, cereals, legumes, olives, fermented dairy products, soft low-fat cheese, durum wheat pasta and bread made from coarse flour. Mediterranean housewives always use olive oil for dressing dishes and frying, add it to marinades, grease bread and tortillas with it.
The diet in the Mediterranean cuisine is exceptionally balanced, it provides the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and fiber. Eating in this way, you can maintain health at a decent level until old age, reduce weight without strict diets, while maintaining youth and beauty.
The simplest and most popular Mediterranean breakfast is sliced fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, feta cheese and whole olives, dressed with marjoram and cold-pressed olive oil. This salad is served with bread, bran or oatmeal rolls. After a Mediterranean breakfast, you will feel full until lunch, without heaviness in the stomach and extra inches on the waist. For lunch and dinner, you can prepare seafood, fish, lean poultry, vegetables, pasta, rice or bulgur, and serve dishes with yogurt or natural yogurt.
Olive oil-a source of health
Olive oil is a great addition to the daily menu due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (it contains 75 % of monounsaturated fatty acids compared to 27 % in butter and 24 % in soy). They are also called the rescue team, protecting our skin and arteries. Olive oil is also rich in tocopherols, better known to us as vitamin E, which is considered one of the essential companions of youth and beauty. As for the monounsaturated fats that make up olive oil, the most valuable is oleic acid.
The content of oleic acid has a positive effect on a number of medical indicators, for example, the level of total cholesterol and LDL (low density of lipoproteins) in the blood, the levels of “bad” and “good” cholesterol, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Olive oil for athletic performance
Extra Virgin olive oil plays a significant role in the diet of those who are actively engaged in sports and who especially need all the micro – and macro-nutrients absorbed by the body at high loads, both to stimulate energy and to fight free radicals that occur in the body during exercise.
Due to its special chemical composition with a predominant concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids and an ideal balance of polyunsaturated ones, in addition to a discrete amount of vitamin E and the presence of small compounds such as polyphenols, Extra Virgin olive oil is indispensable in the diet of athletes.
Before training, it is ideal to add olive oil to ready-made dishes and make the taste of a light salad, pasta, white meat or fish more saturated. They are easily absorbed by the body and activate the work of the elements necessary for physical exertion.
Add Filippo Berio olive oil to your food to preserve your health, slimness and beauty, because a healthy lifestyle never goes out of fashion.