Health percentages? – Dietetics – Articles |

Alcoholic drinks provide a lot of energy. Their calorific value depends primarily on the content of ethanol, one gram of which is 7 kcal. For example, 100 ml of pure vodka contains 220 kcal, while a 500 ml mug of beer provides about 250 kcal. In the case of wines, the calorific value depends not only on the amount of alcohol, but also largely on the sugar content. If you choose this type of drink, it is best to reach for a not too strong dry wine. Alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so consuming them while losing weight is not a very good idea. In addition, caloric snacks are perfect for them. We all know how well salted peanuts, chips and sticks go well with cool beer.

How much alcohol is in one serving?

One standard drink contains 12-15 g of ethanol, which in terms of the most popular types of alcoholic beverages gives us a 40 ml glass of vodka, a small beer or a 150 ml glass of wine. According to the World Health Organization, 1 dose of alcohol per day for women and 2 for men is considered safe for health. However, it should be noted that this amount refers to daily consumption and should not be exceeded. Therefore, from a health point of view, it is much better to consume a small amount of alcohol regularly during the week than to “catch up” once a week and serve yourself a few or a dozen servings. 

Which type of alcohol should I choose?

If we ask ourselves which of the alcohols are “the healthiest”, we should definitely mention the drinks made as a result of fermentation – beer and wine. Their advantage over spirits, such as vodka or whiskey, is the content of nutrients and health-promoting ingredients. Beer is a rich source of B vitamins, it also contains minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It is also rich in valuable tannins and polyphenols. Wine is also rich in a variety of compounds. The most valuable of these are resveratrol and anthocyanins, which have strong antioxidant properties. The ingredients contained in beer and wine are dissolved in ethanol and thus easily absorbed and used by the body.

Preventive effects of alcohol

Many recent studies show that moderate alcohol consumption has health-promoting effects on the body. It is even concluded that total mortality is nearly 18% lower in women who regularly consume 1 standard serving, and men who take 2 drinks a day, than in total abstainers. This is mainly due to the fact that small amounts of ethanol, if taken regularly, can contribute to the reduction of the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease or stroke. There is also a positive effect on blood pressure by lowering its value. Due to the content of many antioxidants in red wine, it is believed to have a protective effect in the development of cancerous diseases. On the other hand, beer may be helpful in relieving discomfort associated with kidney disease.

Negative effect on health

 Unfortunately, the border between a healthy dose of alcohol and a harmful dose on our body is small. Moreover, it is difficult to determine the appropriate dose for everyone. This is because each body is different and reacts differently to alcohol. Exceeding a safe dose can have catastrophic consequences for our body. The same alcohol, which in smaller amounts showed a positive effect on our health, consumed excessively, may be responsible for the occurrence of gastrointestinal cancer or an increase in blood pressure. Internal organs, especially the liver and pancreas, are exposed to its toxic effects. It can also increase the risk of diseases that we would not associate with its consumption, such as osteoporosis. In some diseases and physiological conditions, its consumption should be completely ruled out – an example is pregnancy. Alcohol crosses the placenta very easily and has a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

To sum up. A glass of wine drunk with lunch or a small beer consumed in the evening with dinner may have beneficial effects on our health. But as in everything else, one should exercise moderation and common sense. You must also remember that even the smallest amount of alcohol consumed on a regular basis can lead to addiction.

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