We live in a world where movement and an active way of life are very fashionable. Clerks exercise during lunch breaks, doctors exercise, managers exercise, so why shouldn’t the expectant mother exercise. In a healthy, properly developing pregnancy, there are virtually no contraindications to practicing sports or even any physical activity. Only those activities that may cause impacts or falls and vibrations are not recommended. You can take a nine-month break from skiing, tennis, golf, horseback riding or mountain climbing. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural physiological condition that women have dealt with for millennia, so don’t let yourself be treated like someone too delicate to be able to carry a shopping bag. However, before you start your health journey, talk to your doctor in charge of your pregnancy if there is any risk for you.
Pregnancy causes a number of adjustment changes in a woman’s body, which help to pass this time relatively painlessly. Moms-to-be who do not show any physical activity during pregnancy quickly lose shape, become more sluggish and all because of constant weight gain. You have to gain weight during pregnancy, that’s a fact, but your performance doesn’t have to decrease. Exercise regularly and systematically if you can, preferably every day. Develop a reliable set of exercises that you can do at any time of the day. You can choose from several proposed types of exercise: aerobics, calanetics, relaxation exercises or Kegel exercises.
- Aerobic – are rhythmic exercise exercises that increase the demand for oxygen in muscles, but in reasonable amounts. These exercises will stimulate your muscles, heart, lungs and joints and will benefit you and your baby. Aerobics improves circulation by facilitating oxygen supply to the baby and reduces the risk of varicose veins or water retention in the body. By increasing muscle tension, they will allow you to freely carry extra kilos of baby luggage. They will improve your stamina, which will be very useful during labor lasting several hours. They will make it easier to burn calories, which will affect your figure and regain your figure after pregnancy.
- Calanetics This is a light toning exercise that develops your muscles and improves your posture. They will allow you to reduce pain in the back, increase mental resistance and allow you to calmly prepare for labor effort.
- Relaxation techniques – these are exercises focusing mainly on breathing and concentration, affecting the state of mind and body. They will energize you, allow you to focus more. They will make it easier for you to find yourself in a new situation that awaits you.
- Kegel exercises i.e. increasing the tension of the pelvic muscles. These are simple exercises to strengthen your vaginal and perineal muscles. It is these exercises that will allow you to give birth to your baby easily. They can be performed by all women at any time and in any place.
A great form of not only physical activity but also spending time will be swimming, long walks, or if you feel up to it, riding a bike. You must be able to listen to your body in order to prepare yourself to function in cooperation with the new life growing inside you. This is the time that you can optimally use not only to prepare your mind but also your body to take on new challenges