Health pass: what does the definitively adopted law contain?
The law concerning the extension of the health pass was definitively adopted by parliamentarians on July 26. What does the law contain? Until when will the covid health pass be in effect? Who must be compulsorily vaccinated?
Places where the health pass is compulsory
The legislative text was approved by the majority of deputies on the night of Sunday July 25 to 26. Since July 21, the health pass has become mandatory in certain leisure places, such as cinemas or festivals that bring together more than 50 people. As expected, from August 30, the precious sesame will be essential to get to restaurants, cafes and residences for the elderly, but also in hospitals, except in emergencies. To travel by train, plane or coach, the health pass will also be compulsory for long journeys. In shopping centers, it is ultimately the prefect who must decide whether or not to impose the health pass.
For company employees who work in the establishments concerned, they have until August 30 to obtain their health pass. If a professional in these sectors does not present his supporting documents, he will not be dismissed, but his employment contract may be suspended, accompanied by an interruption in the payment of his salary. However, with the employer’s agreement, the employee may use his days of rest or paid vacation. If after three days the employee has not submitted his documents, ” the employer invites the employee to an interview in order to examine with him the means of regularizing his situation, in particular the possibilities of assignment, if necessary temporary, within the company to another position not subject to this obligation ».
What are the penalties?
If an establishment does not control the health pass of its customers, administrative sanctions can be applied such as the closure of the structure. In the case of the use of a fraudulent pass, the person risks a fine of 135 euros. In addition, if a vaccination center is degraded, those responsible may face a heavier sentence.
The new measures
If a person is positive for Covid-19, they must self-isolate for 10 days. Health Insurance reserves the right to monitor patients as for sick leave. If the rules are not respected, the fine can be up to 1 euros.
Vaccination and compulsory health pass, for whom?
Regarding young people aged 12 to 17, they will only be subject to the health pass from September 30, 2021 if they go to places where it is mandatory.
On the other hand, the vaccination against the coronavirus of caregivers who work in hospitals, clinics or nursing homes as well as all professionals working with a fragile public is mandatory. These workers have until September 15 to present a full vaccination schedule. Otherwise, they will no longer be able to carry out their activities.
When will the French be able to do without the health pass?
The new bill concerning the exit from the health crisis and dating from July 25 stipulates that the health pass can be used until November 15, 2021. However, its application could continue if the epidemic situation requires it.