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Winter is a great time for an active lifestyle. Felting in fluffy snow, ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, playing snowballs and a host of other joys for which we love winter. The main thing is that health does not fail!
It’s cold outside, damp – and now the whole body aches … The pain in case of joint problems is quite excruciating, but it is possible to alleviate the condition.
All joint diseases can be divided into two groups:
1. Inflammatory
Arthritis – the joints become inflamed, outwardly swollen due to edema, sometimes redden and become hot to the touch. There is aching pain both during movement and at rest.
Arthrosis, or osteoarthritis, Is a degenerative disease of the joint, in which the articular cartilage is destroyed. Usually the disease affects the joints of the fingers, as well as the knee and hip.
Bursitis – inflammation of the periarticular bag, accompanied by edema, limitation of mobility in the joint. It often develops after an injury.
2. Exchange
They arise as a result of metabolic disorders. As a result, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, and salts are deposited.
St. G. Isakov, 127, tel .: 8 (3852) 40-80-37, 69-78-54
St. Ostrovsky, 43, tel. 8 (3852) 54-78-72
Pharmacy: st. Ostrovsky, 43, tel. 54-71-99
Winter is an insidious time of the year for women’s health. Decreased immunity and hypothermia threaten inflammation and exacerbations of chronic diseases. At the same time, according to statistics, most women think about planning pregnancy from the beginning of the year. This is a serious and very responsible process that requires competent preparation.
You need to start by looking for “your” gynecologist. It is important to find a specialist whom you can trust and go to childbirth together. It is worth evaluating a doctor according to the following parameters:
- Professional knowledge and experience
- Personal qualities
It is advisable to choose a doctor who will become your support until the very birth. You have the choice to go to a private clinic or a city antenatal clinic. Regardless of your decision, remember that “Consulting and Diagnostic Polyclinic” Aphrodite “offers a range of medical services, including consultations of a gynecologist, psychologist, ultrasound of all organs and pregnancy management. All these and many other services you can go through in the complex for the greatest effect under the supervision of specialists.
Where to start?
At the appointment, the doctor will write you directions for tests, which will show the state of the body and all deviations.
The expectant mother needs to undergo a general blood and urine test, and undergo biochemical tests. It makes sense to be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body (herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, syphilis, etc.), as well as hepatitis B and C viruses, and human immunodeficiency virus.
At the initial stage of the examination, it is extremely important to identify in the expectant mother the presence of immunity to infections such as toxoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, rubella. Infection with them during pregnancy can lead to congenital fetal abnormalities and premature termination of pregnancy. If there is no immunity to rubella, a woman should be vaccinated at least 3 months before conception. Do not neglect the research of the hormonal background of the expectant mother and testing for autoimmune pathologies, which often become the causes of miscarriage.
Depending on your health condition, you may need to visit specialists such as a therapist, ENT, endocrinologist, dentist, mammologist.
Don’t forget about your future dad! He needs to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
Chronic and hereditary diseases
Together with your doctors, you should analyze your chronic and hereditary diseases. It is very important! In a normal state, you may not even remember about your chronic sores, but during pregnancy they can appear and play their own cruel joke.
Simple truths
As you know, all ingenious is simple! That is why, during pregnancy planning, observe the basics of a healthy lifestyle: moderate mobility, healthy diet, adequate sleep.
The more physically toned the body is, the easier it can cope with childbirth and the first months of motherhood. Eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco from your life at least three months before pregnancy. Do not forget about the dangers of secondhand smoke.
St. Yurina, 299 (Dokuchaevo)
тел.: 8 (3852) 43-28-81, 43-28-85, 48-39-23
There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.
People who wear glasses face a number of problems in the winter season: glasses fog up when you enter a warm room from the cold, snow melts and settles on the glasses in the form of drops, glasses are inconvenient to wear with a headdress. But this is not a reason to give up winter joys. It is much more convenient to use contact correction in winter.
Here are some helpful tips when choosing contact lenses during the winter season:
1. In winter, wearers of contact lenses face danger – dry air in the premises. Central heating batteries dry out both the air and our mucous membranes quite strongly. Therefore, at work and at home, do not forget to use moisturizing drops. This will save you from dry eye syndrome. But don’t wet your lenses just before going outside. It is better to do this 15–20 minutes before leaving.
One-day contact lenses will help to cope with the discomfort of a “wet eye” in the cold 1-Day Acuvue Moist… The moisturizing component contained in these lenses is located inside the lenses, thus discomfort when using the lenses 1-Day Acuvue Moist will not arise. You can buy such lenses in the optics salon “Grand Optics”.
2. Many people believe that protecting their eyes from ultraviolet radiation is necessary only in the summer, when the sun is shining brightly. But the sun also shines in winter, and the insidious rays of the ultraviolet spectrum penetrate even through the clouds. And in this case, silicone – hydrogel contact lenses with a UV filter will become a means of protecting the eyes from the negative effects of UV rays. 1-Day Acuvue TruEyewhich have a class 1 UV filter that protects the eyes from the harmful effects of UV radiation. They also provide high quality vision and comfort both when working at a computer or watching TV, and during outdoor activities. The oxygen consumption of the cornea in these contact lenses is almost 100%.
3. It is important to know that while wearing contact lenses, protein deposits accumulate on their surface. Lenses Optima FW have a lens structure that is characterized by high oxygen permeability and low moisture content. The ultra-smooth surface of these lenses is resistant to protein deposits. Designed for a period of use up to three months, they need timely and proper care, as well as high-quality storage in special containers.
4. Each of us, regardless of the season, wants to feel comfortable and be beautiful. Thanks to contact beauty lenses 1-Day Acuvue Definewhich have an innovative design, you will emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes. New – a clear contour around the iris adds depth to the look, and the lens pattern is organically combined with the natural color of the eyes, making them bright, shining, expressive.
Today, the range of contact lenses is very extensive, which allows users with a wide variety of visual impairments to choose the ideal lens option for them, both for winter and for any season.
A wide range of contact lenses and care products in the optics salon “Grand Optics”.
St. Baltic, 44
Тел.: 8 (3852) 45-22-65, 7-963-502-42-97
There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.