First of all, we draw up a general list of procedures that, in principle, should be completed during the year. Then we paint everything by month.Twice a year: examination by a therapist, dentist, gynecologist, flora analysis.Once a year: general analysis of blood and urine, ECG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, oncocytology, ultrasound or mammography of the breast, assessment of the liver by a gastroenterologist, examination of vision, hearing organs. once every two years necessary: a blood test for sugar and fluorography, once every three years – blood test for cholesterol, 1 times in 5 years – examination of the thyroid gland. Accordingly, if it’s time for you to do this, it is worth planning for this year. Of course, all this applies only to healthy people. If you have certain problems, the list expands.
January. Make an individual survey plan for the year, vowing to carry it out strictly.
February… Visit to a gastroenterologist for liver examination. Unlike other organs, she does not hurt, and after all, during the long January holidays, she worked with increased stress. By the way, in some laboratories they are now doing the newest SteatoScrin test – a biochemical blood test using a special technology that allows a detailed assessment of the state of the liver.
March. Visit to a therapist. The body is weakened after winter, chronic diseases may worsen. It is necessary to check the pressure, get directions for tests. By the way, in many laboratories, the CITO express-analysis system is practiced, which allows you to get results in two hours. The therapist can also refer to ECG, fluorography and ultrasound. Fluorography is not such a useless examination as many people think. It will help to identify not only tuberculosis at an early stage, but also malignant neoplasms, heart pathologies. Many clinics are already doing digital fluorography. It allows to reduce the radiation dose by 8-10 times in comparison with the film and provides a high-quality image.
April. Start preparing for your vacation. See an infectious disease doctor. You may need to get vaccinated, especially if you are planning a vacation in exotic countries. Those who are going to wander the forests of Siberia and the Far East in the summer should be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccination is done in two stages. Revaccination is needed a month before the vacation.
May. Visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will analyze the flora, conduct a cytological examination, and possibly refer you to a mammologist who will prescribe an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography.