health benefits and harms, interesting facts and videos

😉 Hello friends! “Pineapple: health benefits and harms, facts” about the benefits and contraindications of an exotic fruit. Its composition, calorie content. How to choose the right way, how best to cut and how to store.

It is a perennial herb native to South America. How did pineapple appear in Europe? It is not hard to guess that this is the work of Christopher Columbus! In the 1490s, he brought this sweet fruit from the Caribbean islands. Now pineapple grows in tropical countries around the globe.

In 1553 the first description of this plant is mentioned, but there is still no solution: is it a vegetable or a fruit? Whatever one may say, it is closer to fruit.

Pineapple is incredible in shape and beauty, but its fruits ripen very slowly. It takes almost three years for them to reach maturity! In China, a handsome pineapple is an obligatory attribute of the New Year’s table. According to popular belief, the coming year will be successful and there will be well-being in the family.

health benefits and harms, interesting facts and videos

Composition and calorie content

In 100 grams of pulp:

  • kcal – 50;
  • proteins – 0.5 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10 g;
  • Cellulose – 1 g;
  • water – 86 g;
  • potassium – 109 mg;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • Calcium – 13 mg;
  • iron – 0,3 mg;
  • magnesium – 12 mg.

There are vitamins: A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP. Fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6.

Pineapple: beneficial properties

  • firstly, it is very juicy and tasty;
  • a valuable “feature” of pineapple is the bromelain enzyme. It promotes the breakdown of proteins;
  • pineapple strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • reduces blood clotting. Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps relieve stress;
  • an excellent remedy for coughs and colds;
  • useful for people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases (anti-edema effect);
  • for the beauty of skin and nails;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • prevention of oncology (antioxidants);
  • effective for weight loss (pineapple diet, fasting days);
  • juicy fruits are used to prepare not only salads and juices, but also wonderful wines;
  • provides a feeling of fullness and quenches thirst;
  • freshly squeezed juice is a “pharmacy” in a glass for hypertensive patients. Natural juice removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • used in cosmetology: anti-aging face masks and therapeutic balms for the appearance of wrinkles;
  • a spinning cloth is obtained from the leaves.

Pineapple: contraindications

health benefits and harms, interesting facts and videos

  • it is advisable to eat pineapple on an empty stomach;
  • the insidiousness of the pineapple is hidden in its high acidity;
  • because of its high acidity, tooth enamel does not like it. The use of pineapples provokes its thinning and destruction;
  • if the fruit is eaten in large quantities, you are guaranteed an allergic reaction. Greed has ruined many;
  • contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis and with increased acidity;
  • harmful during pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimester. Maybe you will manage in the 3rd trimester, away from sin;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus in small quantities can eat fresh pineapple, but not canned. The norm should be agreed with the doctor.

How to choose the right pineapple?

😉 Brief instructions ↓

  1. Look for a heavy pineapple. The heavier it is, the more ripe it is.
  2. A mild fruity aroma should be present.
  3. The peel should be free from soft patches and dark spots.
  4. The crown of leaves is fresh, not dry or withered. He’s the king!
  5. If the inner leaf (in the center) is easily removed from the “crown”, the seed is ripe.
  6. The tops of a ripe fruit easily “walk” left and right.

How to store?

  • it is preferable to store this fruit indoors at room temperature. The term is 7-10 days;
  • in the refrigerator (fruit compartment) – up to three weeks.

How to cut pineapple properly

The main thing in our business is a sharp knife! Here is the simplest way for you: wash the fruit, cut off the bottom and top of the pineapple shell. Cut in half lengthwise. Then cut each half lengthwise. We remove the hard core. Cut the resulting quarters into triangles. Voila! Comfortable wedges are ready. Bon appetit and enjoyment!

In this video, additional and useful information “Pineapple: benefits and harms to health”

Pineapple – benefits and harms. Can you lose weight with pineapple?

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