😉 Greetings to my dear readers and visitors of the site! In the article “Cucumbers: health benefits and harms, facts” – basic information about cucumbers. Why fresh cucumbers are good and who shouldn’t eat them.
The cucumber is familiar on all continents. An affordable, unpretentious and delicious vegetable. Cucumber is a member of the Pumpkin family. Its relatives: squash, squash, pumpkin, watermelon, melon.
India and China are considered the homeland of cucumber, it has a very long history, it has been cultivated by humans for about 6000 years. The word “aguros” in Greek means unripe, unripe. On the territory of Russia, the cucumber appeared in the XNUMXth century. He took root in the southern regions and in the middle lane.
Cucumber: chemical composition
What’s inside a cucumber? Of course, water is everyone knows. It is 95%, but this water is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Fresh cucumber contains B vitamins and vitamins A, C, K, PP, H. Potassium, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, iodine, organic acids, chlorophyll, phytosterols, sugars, fiber, starch. These substances are well balanced and very easy to digest.
Cucumber is low in calories. It contains only 15 kcal per 100 grams of product. Almost no carbohydrates, proteins and fats (negligible amount).
How are cucumbers useful?
- quench thirst;
- eliminate puffiness, having a diuretic effect;
- neutralize harmful acids;
- improve metabolism in the body;
- have a mild laxative effect;
- help to assimilate protein;
- benefits for the thyroid gland (iodine);
- strengthen the immune system;
- have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
- break down sucrose;
- excellent natural absorbent, removing metabolic products;
- good for the heart and vascular system;
- soft fiber cleanses the intestines well;
- removes salts from joints and the body;
- block “bad” cholesterol;
- regulate the process of blood clotting;
- promote the absorption of fats and proteins.
What does cucumber cure?
- urolithiasis;
- gout;
- thyroid gland;
- liver disease, hepatitis;
- diseases of the gallbladder;
- colitis;
- constipation;
- skin diseases, burns;
- hypertension;
- prevention of rheumatism;
- atherosclerosis, ischemia
- reduces excess weight;
- diabetes;
- colds (antipyretic effect);
- improves the condition of nails and hair.
Cucumber masks
Cucumber lotion and face masks made from pulp or cucumber rings have gained worldwide popularity. Cucumber masks whiten the skin and help with sunburn. Cucumbers will help remove age spots, cleanse from rashes. Ideal for dry skin.
Excellent effect and hydration for aging skin. For food and masks, it is advisable to buy young fruits 8-9 cm long. Small fruits have more nutrients than overripe ones.
Cucumbers: contraindications
Many people do not believe that a harmless cucumber made of water can harm the body. Unfortunately, there are contraindications:
- cucumbers are contraindicated for nursing mothers, this can provoke diarrhea in a child;
- with indigestion;
- not recommended for kidney disease due to diuretic action;
- contraindicated in gallstone disease;
- an allergic reaction is possible;
- idiosyncrasy;
- juice of fresh cucumbers increases acidity, is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
- refrain from buying fresh cucumbers in the autumn-winter period. Greenhouse vegetables are usually loaded with nitrates and pesticides;
- not worth passing on! The norm per day is 3-4 medium-sized cucumbers.
The harm of pickled cucumbers
If fresh cucumbers are useful to many, then in a salted form they can harm:
- with diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood vessels and heart;
- obese (increase appetite;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- not recommended for pregnant women;
- with liver disease;
- kidney disease;
- with acute hepatitis and acute cholecystitis;
- all foods with excess salt are harmful to any organism.
Cucumber oil
Many people don’t even know that cucumber essential oil exists. Get oil from cucumber seeds. Producers India and Indonesia. Used for aroma lamps, inhalation, added to baths. The main function of the oil is to improve the condition of the skin:
- creates a lifting sensation;
- increases elasticity;
- improves metabolism;
- an excellent remedy for wrinkles;
- suitable for all skin types;
- reduces scars and scars;
- UV protection;
- accelerates the healing of wounds and burns;
- added to remedies for psoriasis, acne, dermatitis.
In this video, more information on “Cucumbers: health benefits and harms”
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