Health at your fingertips, or how to take care of yourself in the daily rush?
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We live in constant rush and stress. In such a race, it is much more difficult to take care of your own health and condition. More and more often we forget about systematic visits to the doctor, daily exercise and a healthy diet. Fortunately, modern technologies meet our expectations. How to use them to take care of mental and physical health? The answer may be Apple Watch – an innovative smartwatch combining advanced technology and modern design.

We don’t have time for health?

Statistics show that more and more Poles neglect their health. Both on a mental and physical level. The percentage of obese people is growing, and thus serious civilization diseases, including type II diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, these conditions are not only attributed to people over the age of 65. They are diagnosed in younger and younger patients. There are many factors contributing to the development of obesity, but they can be divided into modifiable and non-modifiable. Of course, we have no influence on the latter, and as a rule, these are genetic factors.

We control, however, eating habits, physical activity, visits to doctors for preventive examinations and general hygiene of the central nervous system, including stress reduction and long sleep. Fortunately, modern technology allows us to better manage our time, and thus take care of the most valuable thing, which is health. One of them is the ability to control specific health parameters using smartwatches and smartbands, e.g. Apple Watch. It is a solution that has already made life easier for millions of people around the world. Thanks to it, you will be up to date with the current state of health, which will make it easier for you to regulate the rhythm of your day.

Change habits by the method of small steps

It is said that big change starts with small steps. The same principle seems to apply to health. The rushing lifestyle does not make this task easier for us, but with the help of a good plan, planning tools and adequate motivation, we are finally able to take control of our own health. One of such tools is Apple Watch, which reminds you of systematic movement, will allow you to control basic vital parameters and allow you to observe your own progress. How to make changes? Here are some of the most important points.

  1. Plan realistically – One of the basic mistakes of beginners is to set up unrealistic goals. It is impossible to lose weight effectively in a month. It is much better to promise yourself a gradual loss of unnecessary kilograms and spread it over several weeks. Make your first step a short walk with your dog or a bike ride. The first visit to the gym or fitness club cannot be associated with intense or excessively long training. Hence, one step away from discouragement. Start with little things, little activity up to twice a week. Over time, as it becomes a habit for you, you can increase the frequency, intensity, and form of the movement. It’s important to make it fun.
  2. Ask for help from specialists – if you are planning to change your diet, don’t do it on your own. In such cases, it is very easy to make a mistake. Many people who have problems with health and obesity focus on strict, even starvation diets. A balanced menu is a plan for years, not a few months. An experienced dietitian knows very well that what counts is the quality of the meals eaten, not the quantity. A good solution is also to order a box diet tailored to your own needs. The courier delivers fresh and balanced meals to the door every day. It saves a lot of time, especially for busy people.
  3. Invest in an elliptical cross trainer or a stepper – it is good to use the time 100%. Light physical exercises can be performed, for example, while watching your favorite series, and even online meetings while working remotely. There is probably no better way to combine business with pleasure.
  4. Record your progress – to increase your motivation, write down your little successes. Also, don’t hesitate to reward for achieving the next goal.
  5. Take care of your brain hygiene – it is not without reason that it is said that in a healthy body, a healthy mind. Good mental health is crucial for all organs of the human body to work in harmony. It is of key importance to reduce stress and ensure adequate sleep. Try meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, painting with paints or taking care of your home garden. Any form of tranquility is good. It is important that it brings joy and distracts from everyday problems. Such a hobby reduces the level of the stress hormone and stabilizes the neurohormonal economy. No less important is a long sleep – about 7-8 hours. Before going to bed, do not use electronic gadgets (tablets, laptops, TV) because they emit radiation that interferes with the secretion of the sleep hormone – melatonin. Also take care of the optimal temperature in the bedroom – approx. 19 degrees C.
  6. Visit doctors – prophylaxis is the basis for maintaining health for many years. At least once a year, do a complete morphology, visit the dentist and optician, and have an ultrasound of the abdomen. Women should not forget about cytology and breast examination. You will spend just a few hours on this, and in the event of alarming test results, any prompt treatment will be much more effective.

Apple Watch – take care of your health

Apple Watch is a modern and convenient way to monitor your own health. This is an example of a combination of modern design and functionality. You always carry the device with you on your wrist.

Apple Watch umożliwia

create your own sleep schedule and follow reports on every night of sleep – the length and quality of sleep is fundamental to our health. The Sleep app helps you get into the habit of going to bed regularly, meet your sleep hygiene goals (Relax), helps minimize nighttime disturbance with notifications (Sleep mode), and lets you set haptic alarms to wake you up gently from your night’s rest. Apple Watch presents detailed trends from a two-week period,

checking the oxygen level in the bloodi – a revolutionary blood oxygen sensor and a special application guarantee accurate measurement,

measuring the pulse / heart rate – an electrocardiogram (EKG) straight from a watch ceases to sound like an echo of the future. Measurements can be made anytime and anywhere. The EKG application informs the user about serious heart problems, including atrial fibrillation. The electrodes in the Digital Crown work together with the EKG4 application, which allows you to read electrical signals from the heart muscle. The innovative Apple Watch can inform the user about the arrhythmia by monitoring the heart rate. What’s more, the app will also be useful during physical activity, as it measures your heart rate while you are resting, walking and in the recovery phase after training. It notifies the user when the optimal heart rate values ​​are exceeded, ie below or above the normal heart rate per minute. Function Low heart failure, it became possible to study the level of circulatory and respiratory failure (VO₂ max),

thorough hand washingby measuring the duration of this activity. It encourages you to extend the time of this hygienic treatment. Apple Watch also reminds you to wash your hands after returning home,

learning to breathe deeply – the application reminds you to take breathing breaks during the day,

measuring the noise level – the application informs the user when the sound measured in decibels reaches a level potentially harmful to the hearing organ,

control of the menstrual cycle – AppleWatch facilitates, among others measuring the level of bleeding and accompanying symptoms,

fall detection (which can be helpful in the case of seniors) – dangerous falls cause an immediate call for emergency services. If necessary, with the push of a button, you can call for help, even when you are abroad.

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