Healing the intimate area with herbal steam: what do doctors think about an ancient practice that has become a trend

Healing the intimate area with herbal steam: what do doctors think about an ancient practice that has become a trend

Traditional medicine has always surpassed traditional medicine in popularity. Especially when it comes to practices related to women’s health. After all, many are still afraid of the gynecological chair like fire. Today, a new surge in popularity is receiving more and more methods for restoring the intimate zone. Let’s forget about the well-known Kegel exercises, because on the agenda is an equally curious, but not yet so promoted technique – special herbal baths, which, as promised, relieve even serious and protracted ailments.

It is difficult to surprise a modern woman with something. Thanks to social networks and the bloggers reigning in them, we simply do not have time to drop out of the information space – and even more so to miss the most important trends in a particular area.

We can safely assume that each of us follows at least one blog or other information resource, which tells about the rules of a healthy lifestyle, pregnancy and childbirth, motherhood, or at least losing weight. At least because it is really addicting!

But while some are learning the basics of proper nutrition or learning to pump the press, others go much further and “enlighten” to the fullest. After all, the connection between health, spirituality and an environmentally friendly lifestyle cannot but be interesting – especially when it is argued that all these areas are closely related to each other.

Everything would be fine, but often inspired Internet users are sure that they will be able to solve even serious problems by listening to the advice of their beloved guru. So, especially often women experiment in the field of intimate health, which is exhaustively written about on the Web.

Just what is the existence of a 2-million army of fans of Sasha Zvereva, who almost does not release new songs, instead preferring to share advice specifically about women’s health.

Sasha Zvereva received a considerable portion of fame after stories about exotic ways of preparing for childbirth

It seems that the star of many children has advice for absolutely any occasion, based on his own experience. So, she treated cystitis by going to a gestalt therapist, prepared for childbirth, doing a special “citrus” massage, and recovered after the appearance of children with the help of steam baths with herbal decoctions.

Just do not think that we are talking about a banal bath. We are talking about the procedure of vaginal steaming, which has received the more sonorous name in the West “yoni-stim”.

Stars rated

They started talking about intimate “steaming” about 5 years ago, when Gwyneth Paltrow began to praise its benefits in every way.

The acting career for the Oscar winner has long faded into the background, giving way to business. Gwyneth’s main brainchild is Goop, a large health and beauty company, under the auspices of which you can find everything: from clothing and interior items to sex toys and paraphernalia of a conscious lifestyle.

Gwyneth Paltrow is Hollywood’s premier female health advocate

Some time ago, the Paltrow brand released a special infrared gadget for warming the intimate area, designed to improve blood flow and restore intimate muscles after childbirth.

The actress did not hide that this technological device was inspired by steam baths for the genitals. Gwyneth got acquainted with the water technique in one of the luxury spa centers in California. And immediately fell in love with her.

The same warming device from Gwyneth’s website

“You are sitting on, in fact, a mini-throne, and the combination of infrared heat and aromatic steam cleanses everything below. This is energetically correct, and it is not just a ” steam shower ”, but also a way to restore hormonal balance, ”Gwyneth Paltrow shared soulfully.

Roots in history

Everything new is well forgotten old, and yoni-stim is the main confirmation of this. And although steaming became very popular in our “instagram” decade, they were first used hundreds of years ago.

Chrissy Teigen also respects yoni-steam

Yoni-steam (or chai yok, bajos, as different peoples called the procedure) practiced in Chinese traditional medicine, as well as in the traditions of neighboring Korea and even in African tribes. It was assumed that couples from medicinal herbs help improve the condition of a woman after the birth of a child, contribute to the rapid healing of the birth canal, and also relieve inflammation.

By the way, some sources describe steam baths as an effective way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. It’s just that in this case, several other herbs were used – and an even higher, almost scalding water temperature.

And yet, let’s continue on the good. It is believed that yoni-stim eliminates painful discharge, cleanses the uterus (though it’s not entirely clear why), and also fights a whole spectrum of unpleasant diseases: from cystitis and thrush to hemorrhoids and polycystic ovaries.

And how such concern for the genitals affects the psychological state of a woman, adherents of yoni-stim can talk for hours. They claim that they begin to feel more open, “filled”, feminine and ready for new sexual experiments.

Home thrones

In the olden days, vaginal steaming was done using an ordinary chamber pot – or a simple basin of water. Today, there is much more choice – even individual companies have appeared that are engaged in the creation of special baths for this procedure.

This is what one of the most affordable yoni-steam chairs in the premium line looks like.

On the Internet, you can find many specific collections of herbs for yoni-stim. Some of them promise intense cleansing or restoration. And others just look very beautiful and include not only dry herbs, but also a variety of inflorescences that delight the eyes with their brightness. 

The easiest version of a highchair for yoni-steam is affordable for everyone.

Well, for lovers of luxury there are “bathhouses” for tens of thousands of rubles: from rare types of wood, with painting and even lighting. They are created individually for the parameters of each woman and are used in absolutely any space – even on the street.

Expert opinion

And although there are so many positive reviews on the web about this method of steaming, doctors have never recognized this method of treatment. At least because in many gynecological conditions (for example, during pregnancy and after childbirth) hot baths are strictly prohibited.

The main reason for criticism of yoni-stim, as well as other unconventional practices such as douching, is their effect on the vaginal microflora.

“Normal flora is a unique combination and ratio of beneficial and not so good microorganisms. By interfering with this “microworld” without clear indications, you can significantly harm your body. The harm from steaming is much more significant, because you can easily get dysbiosis – a violation of the ratio of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina. In this condition, the amount of lactic acid produced decreases, which activates the pathogenic flora and “opens the door” for sexually transmitted infections, ”explains obstetrician-gynecologist, perinatologist, specialist in aesthetic gynecology Maria Mosolova.

In addition, the doctor warns of a possible exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes, the presence of which you may not even be aware of.

“The cherry on the cake” in the discussion of this topic can be called the fact that on sites selling baths there is no clear information that thanks to them you can just improve your health.

“It is clearly stated in foreign online stores that the steaming container is intended for intimate hygiene on a hike or on a business trip. There is no indication that it can be used for so-called yoni-stim. There is no information on the composition of herbal preparations intended for this purpose. Therefore, personally, I do not recommend this technique with heating, ”concludes Mosolova.

It seems that folk recipes did not justify themselves in this case. And even if someone managed to get a beneficial effect from their home procedure, this does not mean that yoni-stim is safe and one should not be afraid of warnings. We are all different and before embarking on wellness experiments, it is better to find out details about your condition, as well as individual indications and contraindications from a doctor.

Фото: Getty Images, @sashazvereva/Instagram

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