Healing properties of melon

The extraordinary healing properties of melon make it one of the most wonderful fruits that can help prevent cancer. Description Melon is known for the pleasant musky aroma that it releases when ripe. It belongs to the pumpkin family, as well as cucumbers, watermelons and zucchini. The melon has a round or oval shape and a mesh skin. Yellow-orange flesh is soft, juicy and sweet. The most delicious melons ripen from June to September.

Nutritional value

Melon is one of the most common fruits, but its healing properties are often underestimated and taken for granted. It is an extremely nutrient-rich fruit with a very low calorie content.

This miracle fruit contains a lot of beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is also one of the very few fruits that have high levels of B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine). Melon is rich in antioxidants that help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.  

Benefit for health

The high amount of beta-carotene and vitamin C (anti-oxidant) in melon makes it an excellent prophylactic that can prevent many degenerative diseases.

Anticoagulant. The unique compounds found in melon help reduce blood viscosity, thus preventing the formation of blood clots in the cardiovascular system.

Atherosclerosis. Regular intake of vitamin C inhibits hardening of the arteries.

Cancer prevention. The high content of vitamin C acts as a good antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. Regular consumption of juices high in antioxidants prevents the development of cancer, especially bowel cancer and melanoma.

Cataract. The natural beta-carotene found in melon juice reduces the risk of cataracts and helps improve eyesight.

Cholesterol. Juices high in antioxidants are effective in combating oxidative stress, which is the main culprit in the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood.

High blood pressure. The potassium found in melon helps to remove sodium from the body, thereby lowering high blood pressure, which is especially important for salt-sensitive hypertensive patients.

The immune system. The high content of vitamin C activates white cells and boosts the immune system.

Insomnia. A special compound found in melon calms the nerves and relieves anxiety attacks. Helps insomnia sufferers fall asleep.

Problematic menstruation. For women, drinking this miracle juice is especially beneficial during menstruation, the melon will reduce cramps and prevent clots from forming.

Muscle cramps. Potassium deficiency can cause muscle spasms and increase injury. Drink melon juice to prevent these troubles.

Pregnancy. The high folic acid content of melon prevents neural tube birth defects in newborns.

Leather. Melon promotes collagen synthesis and makes skin glowing and bright.

Smoking. The natural nutrients and minerals found in melon help the body recover when a person is trying to quit smoking. Smoking also quickly depletes the smoker’s vitamin A content, but melon replaces it with its beta-carotene.

Stress. When life presents challenges, cantaloupe relieves stress, so it makes sense to drink its juice regularly. The potassium contained in the melon helps to balance and normalize the heartbeat, which, in turn, oxygenates the brain and regulates the body’s water balance.

Water balance. Melon is especially useful for pregnant women and people who want to lose weight. Melon juice helps the body eliminate excess sodium, thereby reducing water retention.  


Choose ripe fragrant melons. Discard overripe fruits, too soft and sluggish. The melon should be heavy, filled with juice. It should have a pleasant musky smell.

Since melons are grown on the ground, they come into contact with dirt and can be contaminated with human or animal excrement. Make sure you wash the fruit well under running water before cutting it.

Leave the hard melon at room temperature for a few days, it will become softer and juicier, and then place it in the refrigerator for storage.

Cut melons should be wrapped and stored in the refrigerator. But remember a simple rule: always eat fruit as fresh as possible.

When you make melon juice, use the skin as well. Don’t throw away the pulp and seeds – mix them thoroughly with a little pineapple juice and you’ll have a delicious milky drink.  



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