“Healing Impulse” – on the way to renewal of body and spirit

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The new author’s technique of Vladimir Vukst (Goltis) “Healing Impulse”, which covers both physical health and spiritual development, is rapidly gaining popularity and followers, including the famous businessman Igor Ermakov.

The author of the project, Volodymyr Vuksta (Goltis is his pseudonym), is a professional traveler, athlete, specialist in survival in extreme situations, commander of the Ukrainian team EQUITES, coach of world champions in bodybuilding, three-time Asian champion in martial arts, as well as an entrepreneur.

The idea of ​​creating a project was born in Goltis gradually from childhood, but the very impulse that later became a healing one turned out to be a severe spinal injury, when Vladimir had to re-develop and learn to feel his own body. So, in 2004, he already began to conduct the first seminars on the “Healing Impulse” method.

“Strength of the body – strength of the spirit” is the main commandment of the unique Slavic project, which is equally based on spiritual and scientific knowledge. “Healing Impulse” promotes healing, rejuvenation of the body and, as a result, longevity. The technique consists of five elements: physical education, nutrition, fasting, hardening and an “open heart”.

As for the first four elements, they are available for people of all ages, health conditions and physical fitness, since they are based on an individual approach and medical knowledge. After six months of training, the trainees’ strength and endurance indicators change qualitatively, immunity is strengthened, sleep time decreases to 6-7 hours, and emotional stability increases. For example, 75-year-old Alexander Letichevsky, after completing the course, ascended Elbrus, in just three years of training, having parted with shortness of breath, arthrosis, overweight and muscle weakness. And there are thousands of such stories.

The spiritual component – “open heart” – is the philosophy of the “Healing Impulse”, which teaches to see a divine spark in every person, to live in peace and love. After listening to this particular lecture in Kiev, in 2010 a well-known businessman, Igor Ermakov, became a follower of philosophy. The Healing Impulse technique has become an integral part of Igor’s life, and he willingly shares it in his interviews.

In connection with the success of the “Healing Impulse” project, the Goltis Academy was created in 2014, where lectures and seminars on a healthy lifestyle and the philosophy of “open heart” are regularly held. The Academy already has centers and students all over the world: from Kiev to Thailand. It is also important to note that Goltis Academy provides online courses that allow you to complete the program remotely at goltisacademy.com.

1 Comment

  1. How can I learn more about Healing Impulse? In English or Spanish?

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