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Regional Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centers throughout Poland are waiting for plasma donors from convalescents. Those who have contracted COVID-19 are healthy and 18 to 60 years old can save the lives of seriously ill people infected with the coronavirus.

  1. Blood and donation centers have either run out or are depleted of plasma
  2. Relatives of seriously ill are looking for convalescents among their friends, as well as on social media
  3. Prof. Grzegorz Mazur: “There are examples that the use of plasma therapy has brought about a significant and rapid improvement in the health of patients”
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Plasma of convalescents worth their weight in gold

Regional blood donation and blood treatment centers continue to appeal to COVID-19 recoveries to donate their plasma. Wrocławski announces: “Urgent need of plasma from people who recovered after contracting COVID-19 or suffered asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus”. The same message appears on the pages of the Wałbrzych, Kraków, Warsaw, Katowice and Bydgoszcz centers.

It could be exchanged for a long time, because there is no such blood donation and haemotherapy center that would have stocks in the whole country. Or they are running out.

The health minister, Adam Niedzielski, also appealed to the convalescents at a press conference.

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister also posted a post on the government’s Twitter: «A very important appeal to convalescents – we would like convalescents to join the voluntary service and report them to the regional RCKiK. Anyone can donate plasma for therapeutic purposes ».

Need to appeal at conferences?

The post of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister sparked a heated discussion. One of the twitter people asks: «You don’t have the database? Need to appeal at conferences? ».

Another writes: “Have you checked the dates available for donating plasma? Today I called RCKiK Warszawa. The earliest date is November 24th. Even if a person wants to donate plasma, there is no processing capacity of the institutions to collect it ».

And a man who has had COVID-19 confides in the forum: “I called a donation center in my city. There, the lady picked up, registered me and said that the manager would call back all interested parties. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the phone until today ».

Much depends on when the plasma is administered

The healer does not have any supplies of plasma, although more and more people need it. Relatives of seriously ill are looking for convalescents among their friends, as well as in social media.

The center that conducts research on plasma therapy is the Medical University of Wroclaw.

– Preliminary results of the study named “The use of convalescent plasma in the treatment of COVID-19 patients with metabolomic and laboratory evaluation of the progress of plasma therapy”, which we are carrying out at the Medical University in Wrocław in cooperation with RCKiK in Wrocław and hospitals in the voivodeship, indicate that the effectiveness of this method of treatment largely depends on the level of antibodies in the donor’s plasma, as well as the time (moment) of administering the plasma to the patient, says Prof. Grzegorz Mazur, project manager.

And he adds that there are examples that the use of plasma therapy has brought about a significant and rapid improvement in the health of patients. The professor also appeals: – Your blood can help heal other people.

Holiday preparation for a pandemic

In October, when presenting in the Sejm the situation on the state of the state’s preparations to fight the pandemic and the adopted strategy of action, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized that the preparation for the autumn wave of the epidemic began during the summer holidays.

He cited a lot of data: about the purchase of several million FFP2 and FFP3 masks, gloves, various equipment, overalls, protective aprons, helmets, “distribution of 350 respirators and 30 cardiac monitors”.

“In August, we delivered 75 non-contact thermometers, 20 million face masks and 10 million liters of disinfectant liquids to schools alone,” said the Prime Minister.

He did not mention the gathering of plasma for the convalescents during the holidays.

Important information for plasma donors

The first and most important rule: they must be healthy people, without chronic diseases, who do not take medications. They must be between 18 and 60 years of age, but it is possible for slightly older people to donate plasma unless there are medical contraindications.

The law disqualifies women who have ever been pregnant. This is because their body was making antibodies against the fetal antigen.

To donate plasma, convalescents with 28 days have passed since the symptoms of the disease disappeared. And if someone has passed the coronavirus infection without any symptoms, 18 days must pass after isolation is completed.

This may interest you:

  1. “I had to take life-saving equipment from some patients to give to others.” The doctor’s dramatic appeal
  2. How many Polish doctors died from COVID-19? The Minister of Health released the current data
  3. “The coronavirus was like a shot in the back of the head – sudden and strong”

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