A persistent cough can effectively hinder functioning. We are exposed to it especially in the autumn and winter, when the conditions outside are less favorable and it is easy to catch a cold. In the face of an intensifying cough, most often we immediately run to the pharmacy. This is a mistake because we can quickly cure it using proven home remedies.
Our grandmothers had to deal with colds without pharmacies full of medicines for every symptom. With a few products from your pantry, you can easily stave off a cough problem:
- Linseed – a tablespoon of flaxseed pour a glass of water. Cook for 10 minutes, at the end you can add a tablespoon of honey. Drink the prepared drink at least twice a day.
- Ginger – has a moisturizing effect on the mucosa. To prepare a medicinal ginger decoction, cut it into thin slices and pour 0,5 liters of water. Cook over low heat for twenty minutes. Finally, strain the whole thing and drink a glass in the morning and in the evening. You can sweeten it with honey or raspberry syrup for taste.
- Lemon oil – mix 200 milliliters of olive oil with lemon juice, after mixing the mixture, drink a teaspoon 3 times a day.
- Drink a lot of herbal teas, water, humidify the air in the room.
- If a dry cough turns into a wet one, you can make your own syrup. A good option is both fennel and honey with onions. In the case of the former, pour 1/3 liter of water over a tablespoon of fennel, then add two teaspoons of honey, cook and strain. Drink a cup three times a day. Honey and onion syrup: finely dice about 3 onions, add and mix half a cup of honey, then set aside for three hours. Then add 50 milliliters of boiled lukewarm water and let it sit for three hours. You can strain the whole thing into a bottle or jar and drink a teaspoon of the preparation several times a day.
- Garlic and lemon syrup – Crush two cloves of garlic, then add four tablespoons of honey, two cups of boiled water and the juice of two lemons. Leave it for two days and drink two teaspoons twice a day.
- Beetroot Syrup – peel and slice a large beetroot, sprinkle with 4 tablespoons of sugar and set aside for a day. Drink it twice a day for a teaspoon.
- Onion syrup – cut three onions and sprinkle them with sugar. Put it in a dark place and wait for the onion to release its juice. Take the syrup three times a day, one teaspoon.
Except that:
- drink hot broth,
- Linden tea – the best home remedy for children’s cough, the tea is drunk in tiny sips several times a day and before bedtime,
- Make yourself a wine-based mulled wine,
- Also drink milk with butter and garlic,
- eat garlic
- Lubricate the chest with salicylic alcohol,
- Gargle with sage.