Headaches: the 5 signs that should worry you

A persistent headache is always a bit worrying. We wonder if something serious is not happening. If it is resistant to painkillers, it is necessary to go to the doctor but, in some cases, it is better to go directly to the emergency room. Here are 5 points that should allow you to see more clearly
1. If the headache is accompanied by vomiting
Do you have a bad headache and this pain is accompanied by vomiting and dizziness? Do not waste a moment and ask a loved one to accompany you to the emergency room. If this is not possible, you must call 15. According to the National Cancer Institute, the development of a brain tumor sometimes leads to headaches, ” which appear more in the morning upon awakening and are often accompanied by nausea or even vomiting ».
These headaches are due to increased pressure inside the skull. This is why they are more violent in the morning, because when you are lying down, the body pressure is higher. These headaches, accompanied by vomiting, can also be a sign ofconcussion or head trauma. Two disorders which require a consultation as soon as possible.
2. If the headache is accompanied by pain in the arm
If you have a headache and this persistent pain is accompanied by tingling or even paralysis in your arm, you may be having a stroke. These pains may be associated with speech difficulties, loss of visual acuity, paralysis of part of the face or mouth, or loss of motor skills of an arm or a leg. or even half of the body.
If you experience these symptoms, or if you witness someone in this situation, do not delay calling 15 and clearly state any symptoms you have observed. In the event of a stroke, every minute counts. After an hour, 120 million neurons will have been destroyed and after 4 hours, the hopes of remission are almost zero.
3. If the headache happens suddenly during pregnancy
Headaches during pregnancy are common, but if a sharp pain comes on suddenly and you’ve entered your 3e quarter, then this pain may be a sign that you have preeclampsia. This disease is common during pregnancy, but if left untreated it can lead to the death of the mother and, or, the child.
This disease can be diagnosed by frequent monitoring of blood pressure, but also by testing the amount of protein in the urine. According to the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm), each year in France, 40 women are affected by this disease.
4. If the headache occurs after an accident
You may have been in an accident and have done well. But if after a few days, or even a few weeks, you experience severe headaches, it may be that you have a brain hematoma. It is a pool of blood that forms in the brain after a vessel ruptures. This hematoma can have serious consequences.
If it is not treated quickly, the hematoma may in fact grow and lead to a coma with irreversible consequences for the brain. To treat this type of bruise, doctors decompress the areas of the brain that have been squeezed. It is perilous, but it can prevent a lot of damage.
5. If the headache is accompanied by memory loss
Finally, a headache may be accompanied by memory problems, absences, visual disturbances, or difficulty concentrating. These abnormal disorders may again be a sign of a tumor. Warning, these tumors are not necessarily malignant. But they can affect brain function simply by compressing nearby tissue, causing visual or hearing damage.
But, in any case, do not hesitate for a second to consult a doctor or, better, to go to the emergency room. At the hospital, you will be able to do a series of tests to understand your symptoms and assess whether they are serious or not.
Marine Rondot
Read also: Migraine, headache and headache