Headaches during menopause in women

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Headaches during menopause in women are often accompanied by pressure and flushing of the blood to the head, which are generally associated with facial flushing, a feeling of heat, general weakness in the woman, and sometimes with shortness of breath or symptoms suggestive of depression. Headaches are caused by the temporary widening of the blood vessels in the head.

Where do headaches during menopause in women come from?

Headaches that appear during menopause are a consequence of the temporary expansion of blood vessels in the head. Headaches in the menopause are caused by periodic (pulsatile) hormonal changes due to the extinction of the hormonal activity of the ovaries and the decline in the levels of two very important hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Although the relationship of menopause with headaches has not been fully elucidated. This unpleasant ailment can be alleviated by staying in the fresh air (walking, cycling) and taking sedative preparations. Very nagging headaches require consultation with a doctor.

Reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and buy Menopause – Panaseus dietary supplement at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend KlimaFem – the YANGO dietary supplement, which includes red clover, black cohosh and sage.

Headaches during menopause in women – symptoms

Headaches that occur during menopause in women are usually migraine-like, and their severity varies widely (from moderate to very severe pain). Typically, women complain of unpleasant throbbing on one side. Headache is often accompanied by other unpleasant ailments, such as hypersensitivity to sounds or light, as well as nausea and vomiting. Some women experience migraine with an aura, especially when the pain is preceded by disturbances in speech, sensation and vision. Apart from migraine headaches, there are also others – tension ones, but much less frequent (usually they are not pulsating, but rather pressing and dull). They cover the entire head or selected places. Their greatest intensity occurs when a woman lacks adequate sleep or experiences strong emotions. Also, all kinds of atmospheric changes have an influence on the formation of a headache. Tension headaches are rarely associated with symptoms specific to migraine.

Adequate supplementation can help to reduce the symptoms associated with menopause, including headaches. At Medonet Market you can buy a dietary supplement from Nature’s Sunshine for menopausal women with plant extracts and vitamins. We also recommend Pemesiv ™ YANGO – a dietary supplement for women available in a package containing 90 capsules.

Headaches during menopause in women is a symptom group associated with the menopause, divided into:

  1. vasomotor symptoms in the form of night sweats and hot flushes alternating with the feeling of cold and skin redness;
  2. somatic symptoms: general weakness, nausea, dizziness and pain in bones and joints;
  3. mental symptoms: sleep disorders, memory problems, mood swings and frequent feeling of depression, hyperactivity.

Remember! Worsening headaches accompanied by other general symptoms, e.g. vision problems, high temperature or fainting – you should consult your doctor immediately.

To reduce the discomforts associated with menopause, reach for MenoHerbs Menopause – a herbal blend available at a favorable price and in a large package on Medonet Market.

Headaches during menopause in women – treatment

In addition to changing the lifestyle, i.e. implementing more physical activity, avoiding stress, quitting cigarettes and eating healthy (reducing fats, alcohol and excessive coffee), pharmacological treatment is important, which includes not only hormone replacement therapy, but also taking:

  1. anti-migraine preparations to treat migraine headaches; the patient is usually administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other combined preparations, e.g. paracetamol or drugs combined with caffeine. Valproic acid is used in the treatment of chronic migraine,
  2. herbal preparations with an analgesic effect; it is recommended to use ginkgo and valerian.

During menopause, it is worth supporting your psychophysical health with appropriate supplementation. We recommend the Viridian Ecological Herb Complex for Women, available on Medonet Market.

A few words about hormone replacement therapy …

HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is considered to be the best method of treating unpleasant symptoms during menopause. In addition to relieving symptoms, HRT helps to prevent symptoms that occur after menopause, including osteoporosis. What is this method about? In women, supplementation of the missing hormones is undertaken. They are usually two hormones, i.e. an estrogen in combination with a progestogen. Only estrogens can be deployed, but only in women who have had a hysterectomy. In contrast, in women who still have wombs, taking estrogen alone significantly increases the risk of endometrial cancer.

Before prescribing hormone replacement therapy, the doctor must assess the possible risks of treatment. For this purpose, a gynecological examination, morphology, liver and kidney function tests as well as assessment of the coagulation system and lipid profile are performed. Taking into account the fact that there are numerous contraindications to this type of treatment, it is very important to perform these tests.

Hormones are available in several forms, including:

  1. in the form of tablets,
  2. in the form of globules and creams applied vaginally,
  3. in the form of intramuscular injections,
  4. in the form of transdermal patches or gels.

Hormone replacement therapy in women with severe migraine headaches should be initiated with caution. Of course, after the correction of hormonal disorders, some improvement occurs, but sometimes the pain even intensifies. The situation is similar when it comes to the method of applying hormones – in the case of patches and pills, headaches are often more frequent and intensified. Therefore, the form of administration should be individually tailored to the patient, for this purpose the cooperation of the patient with an experienced specialist is important.

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