Headaches: causes and treatment

Headaches: causes and treatment

Headaches are a real problem for most of us. And even pills sometimes do not help. Woman’s Day figured out what to do if you have a headache.

Most often, headache is a symptom of any disease. And unpleasant sensations can be a signal that something is wrong in the body: problems with the circulatory system have begun, blood pressure has increased, old injuries reappear, or the whole thing is in the nerves.


As a rule, headaches occur as a result of various injuries. For example, microtrauma of the cervical spine, which can occur both at birth and in adulthood, for example, during sports.

Such pain is accompanied by dizziness, frequent mood swings, including depression.


Vegetovascular dystonia, disorders of cerebral circulation autoregulation are common causes of vascular headache. People with low blood pressure often experience it. As a rule, pain occurs in the back of the head, general weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness and dizziness begin.


The most famous disease. Severe throbbing pain that often affects one side of the head. Sometimes dizziness occurs, for a while vision may deteriorate… The most striking companions of migraine are nausea, vomiting, intolerance to bright light and sounds, irritability.

Read next: How to make a diagnosis

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If headaches began to appear more and more often, it is worth contacting a neurologist.


If headaches occur frequently and do not go away for a long time, you should visit a neurologist and undergo an examination.

The doctor will help to identify possible intracranial pressure and increased eye pressure, vascular changes, disorders in the cervical spine, affecting the functional state of the spinal cord and brain.

In addition, headaches can be caused by bad posture, long-term preservation of an uncomfortable body position, visual fatigue, as well as stress, depressive conditions.

The weather can also affect health. If there is a low atmospheric pressure, then there is a lack of oxygen in the air. On such days, people with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) may develop migraines.

Read next: How to treat a headache

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How weather affects health

Su-jok, or 5 ways to heal with your hands

6 Ways to Improve Sleep

A head massage and breathing exercises can help relieve the headache on your own.


1. Try to relax: turn off the lights, ventilate the room, listen to soft music, do aromatherapy.

2. Drink a natural sedative such as motherwort, valerian, mint, peony tincture.

3. Make a scalp massage to restore blood circulation.

4. Do breathing exercises. Perform each movement in four counts: do it deeply and count to four, then hold your breath (also count to four), exhale (count) and hold your breath again for four counts. Repeat several times. This exercise will improve blood circulation and oxygenate the cells. And soon you will feel that the headache subsides.

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How weather affects health

Su-jok, or 5 ways to heal with your hands

6 Ways to Improve Sleep

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