Headache Relief Products: How to Cope Without Pills

People with frequent headaches know how difficult it is to relieve it. And other organs suffer from constant medication. How to use products to change the situation and dull unpleasant pain?

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds contain magnesium, a lack of which can provoke frequent headaches in the forehead and temples. If this is the reason, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts will help fill the body with this element.



Legumes contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals and magnesium. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and other legumes are the best side dish for headache sufferers.


A headache can also be caused by a lack of B vitamins. It is they that produce the energy of nerve cells to fight stress. To make up for the lack of this group of vitamins, you should pay attention to broccoli.


Bananas contain a substance called tryptophan, which triggers the production of serotonin in the body. The pleasure hormone gives a good mood, relieves the symptoms of fatigue, and also significantly relieves headaches.

Hot red pepper

Chili peppers or cayenne peppers contain capsaicin, which stimulates nerve endings that transmit signals to the brain. As a result, the spasm weakens as the blood circulates with renewed vigor.


Avocado contains healthy omega-3 fats, which are necessary for the body to work the heart, blood vessels and increase immunity. The lack of these acids affects the state of health, including may cause headaches.


The most common potatoes can also be an assistant in the fight against headaches. The main thing is that it is baked or boiled in its uniform so that all the nutrients remain inside. Potatoes are a source of potassium, which relieves pain and cramps.

Be healthy!

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