There is not a single person who does not experience a headache. It worries people at different ages, acting as a symptom of diseases and disorders.
The more intense the headache, the harder it is to endure. It exhausts, makes it impossible to lead a normal life. Therefore, there are headache pills in every home first aid kit. However, not all drugs are equally safe and effective. They have a different mechanism of action, a set of indications and contraindications. In the article, we have compiled a list of the best headache pills, highlighted their advantages and disadvantages, and also talked about indications for use.
The safest headache medications
The safe pills for headaches are the ones that people have been taking for decades and have been well studied. These drugs can be given to both children and adults. However, even they have contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting therapy.
Price: 30 rubles
The main active ingredient is paracetamol, which has not only an analgesic, but also an analgesic effect. Referring to the group of non-narcotic analgesics, the drug has an effect on the centers of pain and thermoregulation located in the brain. Paracetamol is used for headache and other types of pain (dental, articular, traumatic, etc.). It can be taken for infectious diseases, against the background of fever [1], [2].
Does not affect metabolic processes, does not interfere with water-electrolyte metabolism.
Does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, suitable for the treatment of elderly patients.
Rapidly absorbed into the blood. The effect develops within 30 minutes after administration.
Possesses low toxic activity.
Can be taken by pregnant and lactating women, but with caution.
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Does not have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Do not use in the treatment of children under 6 years of age (for tablets).
Prohibition of use in severe diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Adverse reactions are possible in the form of allergies, insomnia, increased anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other disorders from various body systems.
Strict adherence to the dose is required for people from high risk groups: with hepatitis, HIV infection, those suffering from alcoholism and not only.
You can not combine with alcohol, as well as with a number of drugs (rifampicin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, zidovudine, chloramphenicol, domperidone, etc.).
Price: 90 rubles
The active ingredient is ibuprofen. The dosage of the tablets may differ: 200 and 400 mg. The drug belongs to the group of NSAIDs, affecting the mediators of pain, inflammation and thermoregulation. Its reception allows you to reduce headache, reduce platelet aggregation in the affected area, thereby removing tissue swelling. [3], [4].
The effect develops quickly, within 45 minutes.
The action persists for 8 hours.
Numerous indications for use, including headache.
Pronounced analgesic effect.
It is possible to use during pregnancy (exception – III trimester) and lactation after consultation with a doctor.
Side effects when taken in a short course and minimal doses, most often do not occur.
The lack of influence on the progression of the disease, that is, it will not be possible to eliminate its cause with the help of Ibuprofen.
The presence of contraindications, including gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, asthma in combination with polynosis, intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and more.
Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa when taken on an empty stomach.
For children, tablets with a minimum dosage are prescribed no earlier than they are 6 years old.
The drug interacts with other drugs, including: acetylsalicylic acid, NSAIDs, anticoagulants, thrombolytics, corticosteroids, cardiac glycosides and more.
List of headache medicines for adults
Most headache medications are available without a prescription. In a pharmacy, a pharmacist can offer several dozen types of medicines of different prices. At the same time, a universal pill simply does not exist, since a headache in an adult can be caused by various reasons. If it occurs constantly and has a high intensity, it is necessary to visit a doctor to receive pathogenetic therapy.
With a one-time headache provoked by stress, overwork, trauma, a simple illness, you can take a pill without contacting a therapist. We have compiled a list of 12 drugs that are suitable for relieving headaches in adults.
Price: 80 rubles
The main active ingredient is ibuprofen, which belongs to the group of NSAIDs. Taking the pill allows you to reduce headache and other types of pain, relieve the inflammatory process, lower body temperature if it is elevated. The drug helps with migraines, as well as with pain provoked by infectious and somatic diseases. Before the first dose, it is necessary to study the instructions, as the drug interacts with a number of drugs. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, Mig is taken in the minimum dose and for a short course. [5].
Fast analgesic effect, which reaches its peak an hour after ingestion.
The action persists for 8 hours.
The possibility of taking in the first and second trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only after consultation with a specialist.
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The presence of contraindications in the form of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma in combination with nasal polyposis, bleeding disorders, hemophilia.
Do not prescribe the drug to pregnant women in the third trimester and children under 6 years of age.
Side effects, the most common of which are disorders of the digestive system in the form of heartburn, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation.
The drug is incompatible with alcohol.
Price: 120 rubles
The tablet contains 3 active ingredients: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine. The drug belongs to the group of analgesic non-narcotic drugs. Taking the drug allows you to eliminate the headache, reduce the inflammatory response, relieve fever, expand blood vessels, get rid of fatigue, increase physical and mental performance. The drug allows you to get rid of not only mild, but also moderate headaches. [6].
A pronounced analgesic effect, which can be achieved due to the combined composition.
Perhaps the use in the II trimester of pregnancy, after consulting a doctor.
Do not administer to persons under 15 years of age.
Numerous contraindications, including: erosion and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders in the liver and kidneys, aortic aneurysm, hemorrhagic diathesis, lack of vitamin K, sleep disturbances, glaucoma and more.
Connection with food intake (use after meals).
Price: 120 rubles
The active ingredients are substances such as: paracetamol, naproxen, drotaverine, pheniramine and caffeine. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect, providing a complex effect on the body. Its reception is aimed at blocking the centers of pain and thermoregulation, at relieving inflammation, dilating blood vessels, reducing drowsiness, and eliminating spasm. Pheniramine acts as an antihistamine [7].
The drug allows you to get rid of a headache of high intensity.
Can be used for headaches caused by colds, stress, hangovers and more.
The effect develops quickly, within the first 30 minutes after ingestion.
Numerous contraindications due to the multicomponent composition.
The drug is not used in the treatment of persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
Side effects in the form of allergic reactions, increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, dermatitis and more.
You can not use Pentalgin with a number of other drugs: paracetamol, barbiturates, antidepressants, rifampicin.
The drug is incompatible with alcoholic beverages.
Influences the speed of psychomotor reactions.
Price: 140 rubles
The main active ingredient is nimesulide, belonging to the group of NSAIDs. The drug relieves headache, providing a pronounced analgesic effect and is well tolerated by patients. It is prescribed mainly for cervicogenic headache, provoked by pathological changes in the cervical segments of the spine, tension of the cervical muscles, ligaments, tendons [8].
Rapid analgesic effect that develops within 2-3 hours.
Removal of inflammation.
Relief of not only headaches, but also other types of pain, including joint, muscle and toothache.
The presence of contraindications common to all NSAIDs. First of all, it is a ban on the use in the treatment of people with diseases of the digestive tract.
It should not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, which is associated with the risk of uterine atony and premature closure of the duct in the fetus, as well as to persons under 12 years of age.
Relationship with food.
Side effects in the form of diarrhea, nausea, edema, lowering blood pressure, disorders of the hematopoietic system.
Price: 140 rubles
The drug based on two active ingredients: paracetamol and caffeine, belongs to the group of analgesic combined drugs. Taking pills allows you to stop a headache due to the effect on pain impulses emanating from the central nervous system. In parallel, stimulation of the psychomotor centers of the brain occurs, which enhances the analgesic effect. The drug eliminates drowsiness and fatigue, improves mental performance. It is prescribed for migraine and headache of varying degrees of intensity caused by infectious and non-infectious diseases. [9].
Does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Does not affect the water-salt metabolism in the body.
In diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature, the drug can be used as an antipyretic.
It is rapidly absorbed in the large intestine, begins to act 50 minutes after ingestion.
During pregnancy and lactation, use is possible, but after consulting a doctor.
Side effects in the form of allergic reactions, nausea, epigastric pain.
Possible liver damage (with prolonged use in high doses).
The drug interacts with various substances, including Mexiletine, calcium, nicotine, cardiac glycosides, Theophylline and more.
It is forbidden to take with alcoholic beverages due to an increased risk of damage to the liver and pancreas.
Price: 160 rubles
The main active ingredient is ibuprofen. The drug from the group of NSAIDs is used to get rid of acute headaches and migraines. Its reception affects the central nervous system, blocking pain centers. In infectious and other diseases, Nurofen can be used as a means to reduce body temperature and reduce inflammation. [10].
The drug is rapidly absorbed and begins to act 45 minutes after ingestion.
Nurofen allows you to stop various types of pain, including menstrual, dental, muscle, joint pain.
The action of the drug is time-tested, all side effects are well studied and expected.
Pregnant women can use Nurofen for headaches in the XNUMXst and XNUMXnd trimester, but only after consulting a specialist. In the third trimester, the drug is contraindicated.
Side effects develop mainly when taking high doses and long-term therapy.
Irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which requires taking with food.
The drug can not be used in the treatment of people with erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, with severe renal and heart failure, with hemophilia.
Price: 160 rubles
Active ingredients: metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride and fenpiverinium bromide. A drug from the group of non-narcotic analgesics with antispasmodic action. Taking pills allows you to get rid of headaches caused by various causes, including tension pain. In addition, Spazgan is able to reduce body temperature, as well as stop pain localized in muscles, joints and soft tissues. [11].
The drug allows you to cope with pain caused by tension in the muscles, as it helps to relax them.
For colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases, Spazgan is used as a means to improve overall well-being.
The drug is well tolerated in most cases, side effects are rare.
Prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications in the form of heart disease, it is not prescribed for kidney and liver failure, lactose intolerance, prostatic hyperplasia and more.
Side effects in the form of allergic reactions, erythema, burning sensation in the epigastric region.
With caution, people prone to hypotension should take the drug, since a decrease in blood pressure is possible during therapy.
The drug affects the speed and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Price: 180 rubles
The drug is based on 3 active ingredients: metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride, fenpiverinium bromide. Metamizole sodium, better known as “analgin”, is responsible for eliminating headaches. In parallel, muscle relaxation occurs, which makes it easier to feel better. The drug acts in a complex way. It can be used for headaches caused by diseases in the cervical spine, occipital neuralgia, as well as stress, lack of sleep, increased anxiety, conflict situations and other external factors. [12].
The analgesic effect develops quickly, the pain will be stopped within 20-30 minutes after ingestion.
Taking the drug on water-salt metabolism has little effect, does not lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Intolerance to analgin is rare, it practically does not apply to the tablet form.
Drugs based on metamizole sodium are withdrawn from circulation in many countries, since its use is associated with the risk of developing agranulocytosis.
Contraindications in the form of oppression of hematopoiesis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Spazmalgon is not prescribed to patients with asthma, anemia, leukopenia, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
Red coloration of urine, which can be a cause of concern for patients.
A ban on joint intake with alcoholic beverages, as well as a number of drugs (barbiturates, hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, corticosteroids, etc.).
Price: 190 rubles
The drug contains 2 active ingredients: metamizole sodium and triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, due to which it allows you to cope with intense headaches, including migraines. Another positive effect of the drug on the body is the ability to stop fear, reduce anxiety and stress. As a result, the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium is prolonged [13].
Quick effect that develops within half an hour after ingestion.
Long-term effect (up to 8 hours).
The drug does not affect the functioning of the digestive system, but may cause a decrease in appetite.
Prohibition of co-administration with ethanol. Failure to comply with this recommendation leads to an increase in adverse reactions.
The drug affects the ability to concentrate, which requires caution when driving.
The ban on admission during pregnancy and lactation, with severe damage to the liver and kidneys, with impaired bone marrow function, and not only.
The drug is not prescribed to persons under 15 years of age.
Price: 230 rubles
The main active ingredient is nimesulide, which belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Its reception allows you to cope with tension headaches, migraines, as well as those that were caused by pathological changes in the cervical spine. In addition to the analgesic effect, Nise allows you to lower body temperature and reduce the inflammatory process. [14].
Quick effect that develops within 30 minutes.
Elimination of inflammation.
Possibility of use in the elderly.
Irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
Contraindications in the form of asthma, stomach and duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism, severe damage to the liver and kidneys, etc.
The drug should not be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, it is not prescribed to persons under 12 years of age.
Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
The drug causes fluid retention in the tissues, which is why it should not be taken by people with high blood pressure
Price: 240 rubles
The drug is based on 3 active ingredients: acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol. Taking pills allows you to cope with headaches of varying intensity, including those caused by stress, overwork, and insomnia. You can use the drug in the treatment of migraine.
Thanks to the caffeine in the composition, a person feels a surge of vivacity, gets rid of the feeling of fatigue, and his working capacity increases. [15].
Since the tablets are film-coated, they do not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
The headache disappears within half an hour after taking Excedrin, as it is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug does not affect the concentration of attention and does not reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions.
USA production.
Taking the drug is prohibited for gastric ulcer, asthma, hemophilia, glaucoma.
With caution, Excedrin can be taken by people with gout, liver disease, and arthritis.
The drug is not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.
High cost compared to other headache remedies.
Price: 250 rubles
The drug contains 3 active ingredients: metamizole sodium, pitofenone and fenpiverinium bromide. It is used for mild to moderate headaches. It is especially effective if it is caused by muscle or vascular spasm, or is of a neurological nature. [16].
In addition to the analgesic effect, the drug is able to reduce body temperature, as well as stop the inflammatory reaction.
Active substances are rapidly absorbed in the intestines, so that the effect develops after 30-60 minutes.
Spasmalin does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Moreover, it is prescribed to get rid of intestinal colic.
The drug is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
It should be taken with caution by people with bronchial asthma and high blood pressure.
Reception is associated with the risk of allergic reactions, dry mouth, difficulty urinating.
Price: 300 rubles
The main active ingredient is dexketoprofen trometamol, which belongs to the group of NSAIDs. It is prescribed for headaches of moderate intensity caused by various causes. In addition to the analgesic effect, the drug stops the inflammatory reaction, helping to alleviate well-being [17].
Headache disappears within half an hour after ingestion, and sometimes even earlier.
The action persists for 4-6 hours.
The drug can be taken for 5 days without interruption, but at a minimum dosage.
The composition includes the active dextrorotatory isomer of ketoprofen. Its special formula allows you to cope with headaches when taking a low dose of the drug.
The drug is not prescribed for bronchial asthma, stomach and intestinal ulcers, severe liver, kidney and heart failure.
Tablets are not used in the treatment of patients under 18 years of age, as well as in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.
To reduce irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, tablets should be taken with meals. However, food reduces the rate of drug absorption.
The most common side effect is nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
The most inexpensive
You can cope with a headache with the help of budgetary funds. Most often, such drugs contain one component, are not difficult to manufacture and have been produced by the pharmaceutical industry for several decades. We have collected 5 of the cheapest and most effective headache pills.
Aspirin (acetylic acid)
Price: 25 rubles
The active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid. Belonging to the group of NSAIDs, it helps to eliminate headaches, and also reduces body temperature and has an anti-inflammatory effect. [18], [19].
The drug has been used in medical practice for a long time, so its safety and efficacy profile is well studied.
May be used in the treatment of migraine and in order to eliminate neuropathic pain.
The effect persists for 4-8 hours.
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Do not use in the treatment of children under 15 years of age.
The drug is prohibited for erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal mucosa, with bronchial asthma.
Do not take the drug to pregnant women in the I and II trimester.
Aspirin is taken only after meals.
Frequent side effects are disorders of the digestive system in the form of nausea, heartburn, vomiting. There may be pain in the abdomen.
Price: 30 rubles
Paracetamol is an affordable medication for mild to moderate headaches. It is used to get rid of migraine, including acute. Relief after taking comes within an hour. Caffeine is contained in tablets in a small dose, so it does not stimulate the nervous system, but helps to regulate the tone of cerebral vessels.
Price: 60 rubles
The active ingredient in the composition of the drug 3: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine. This combination is currently considered the most effective for eliminating headaches of various origins. [20].
The release of the drug has long been established, it started back in the USSR, although the composition has undergone changes several times.
Taking the pill allows you to get rid of three types of pain: tension, cluster and migraine.
The price is affordable.
The drug promotes blood thinning due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid in the composition.
It is recommended to take the tablets after meals to avoid side effects in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
Do not combine therapy with alcohol, as this increases the risk of liver damage.
Price: 70 rubles
The active ingredient of the drug is metamizole sodium. It is used to get rid of headaches of various origins. The drug allows you to reduce the degree of its severity by 50% or more [21].
The action of the drug is well studied. It was first used in 1920.
The effect develops quickly, the pain becomes less intense within 20-40 minutes after taking the pill.
The drug does not significantly affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, does not interfere with water-salt metabolism.
In addition to eliminating pain, Analgin has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.
Reception is associated with the risk of developing agranulocytosis and neutropenia.
It is not recommended to use Analgin in the treatment of pregnant women and children under 8 years of age.
It is necessary to take the drug only after meals.
Allergic reactions and lowering of arterial pressure are not excluded.
Price: 90 rubles
Ibuprofen is one of the first-line headache medications. It is on the list of analgesics recommended by WHO and the European Federation of Neurological Societies. It is used for migraines of mild to moderate severity, for tension pain and for cluster pain. More about the pros and cons of the drug was written above.
For children
Children often suffer from headaches, which, like adults, can be caused by various factors: infectious and somatic diseases, overwork, stress, physical and emotional stress.
Ibuprofen-based drugs are most often used to eliminate headaches in children. There are many trade names, their main difference from adult drugs is a reduced dosage, which is 100 mg per tablet.
Young children should be offered suspension headache medications, including:
Moment for children. It is prescribed for children older than a year. The dosage of ibuprofen is 200 mg [22].
Nurofen for children 100 ml. The price is 220 rubles. The drug is approved for admission to children from 3 months [23].
Moment for kids. It is used in the treatment of children from 3 months to 9 years. Dosage of 100 mg ibuprofen [24].
Tablet preparations:
Spazmalgon. The price is 180 rubles. Approved for admission from 6 years.
Spazgan. The price is 160 rubles. Can be taken from 5 years old.
No-shpa. The price is 110 rubles. Approved for admission from 6 years.
Nurofen. The price is 160 rubles. At a dosage of 200 mg, it can be offered to children over 6 years of age, and at a dosage of 400 mg – to children from 12 years of age.
Before taking any drug, you need to get medical advice. This is especially true for younger children.
In pregnancy
Self-administration of any drug during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Even if he is well known, a woman needs to consult a specialist, since most drugs are contraindicated during the gestational period.
No-shpa – this is the only drug that is not contraindicated during pregnancy. The drug has passed numerous tests in which its teratogenic and embryotoxic effect has not been confirmed. Drotaverine does not affect the course of pregnancy [25].
However, it should be taken with caution, according to the doctor’s indications and in the minimum effective dosage.
When breastfeeding, No-shpu is not prescribed, since there are no studies on the effect of the drug on the health of infants.
Prescription drugs
Price: 65 rubles
The active ingredient is ketorolac trometamol. The drug belongs to the group of NSAIDs, has a pronounced analgesic effect, so it can cope even with a severe headache. Ketanov is prescribed for serious diseases, for example, after surgery or with oncology [26].
Does not cause drug dependence, does not affect opioid receptors.
In terms of analgesic power, Ketanov is comparable to morphine, superior to other NSAIDs.
The maximum analgesic effect develops after 1-2 hours.
The drug does not affect the respiratory function, does not depress it.
Numerous contraindications, including: diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, blood and bone marrow, hyperkalemia and more.
The drug is not used in the treatment of pregnant women and patients under 16 years of age.
The maximum duration of admission is 5 days.
Side effects in the form of headache, drowsiness, increased blood pressure, gastralgia, diarrhea, swelling of the limbs and more.
After a single dose of the drug, platelet aggregation is suppressed for 1-2 days.
Price: 100 rubles
The active ingredient of the drug is ketorolac tromethamine. It is a strong analgesic that allows you to cope with various types of pain, including headaches. It is prescribed for severe pain, for example, after an injury, against the background of oncology. The drug does not affect the course of the disease, but only stops its manifestations. [27].
A pronounced analgesic effect that develops after an hour.
The drug copes with various types of pain.
There is no addiction to the drug, since it does not affect opioid receptors.
The price is affordable, there are several forms of release.
Numerous contraindications, including: disorders in the liver, inflammatory bowel disease, blood clotting disorders, lactose deficiency and more.
The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women and persons under 16 years of age.
Side effects that are observed more often than others: stomatitis, bloating, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, skin rash, purpura, swelling of the face and extremities.
Ketorol cannot be combined with many drugs, so it is forbidden to use it on its own.
Price: 120 rubles
The active ingredient is ketoprofen. The drug from the group of NSAIDs, has an effect on the central nervous system, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Its reception allows you to cope with a headache caused by various reasons. The maximum duration of continuous intake without monitoring the blood picture is 5 days [28].
The effect develops quickly, an hour after ingestion.
In terms of its analgesic effect, the drug is superior to other NSAIDs that are available without a prescription, which is associated with its central effect.
There is a risk of side effects, but it is insignificant when taken in the minimum dose for a short course. Most patients tolerate the drug well.
The drug can not be used for bronchial asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
Do not prescribe to people under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
It is recommended to take the tablets after meals, which is not always convenient.
The drug is able to mask the symptoms of infectious diseases, which will lead to their progression.
Price: 160 rubles
The active ingredient is sumatriptan succinate. The drug belongs to the group of anti-migraine drugs. It is used to relieve migraine attacks with and without aura, regardless of the cause of the headache. The drug is not prescribed for prophylactic purposes, in no case should the recommended dosage be exceeded. Reception should be started at the first symptoms of migraine, although this does not affect its effectiveness [29].
The drug acts selectively on the branches of the carotid artery, without affecting the blood flow in the cerebral vessels.
The effect develops quickly, within half an hour, which is crucial for migraine.
A migraine attack does not affect the absorption of the active ingredient.
The presence of contraindications in the form of lactose deficiency, coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure.
The drug has age restrictions. It is not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age and over 65 years of age.
The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
Among the frequent side effects: dizziness, drowsiness, increased blood pressure, hot flashes, shortness of breath.
Is it possible to get rid of a headache without pills?
Sometimes you can cope with a headache without the use of drugs. About what drugs help in the fight against an unpleasant symptom, read the article “13 ways to get rid of a headache at home”