Headache in the morning after waking up? It could be a symptom of a serious illness. Don’t underestimate him!

While it might seem like we should feel like newborn when we wake up, the truth is a bit different. Some people experience a severe headache just after getting out of bed. Sometimes it is a consequence of a bad sleeping position or excessive stress. However, it should not be taken lightly. Morning headaches can also be a symptom of serious illnesses.

Headache in the morning – how to deal with it?

Sleep is the best medicine for our body. It allows you to calm down, regenerate your strength. But what if your sleep is not soothing? How to deal with a situation when a severe headache attacks us right after waking up?

First of all, check the quality of our pillows and mattress. Headaches can be caused by an unsuitable sleeping position. It can also be the result of too much stress or overwork. Ashwagandha is recommended for soothing nerves and stress – check the offer at medonetmarket.pl.

Morning headaches primarily attack highly sensitive people. They are the result of too many stimuli to which we may have been exposed just before bedtime. Therefore, if you belong to such people, you should take care of the evening quiet. Practicing yoga or meditating may be beneficial for you.

  1. Check the quality of your sleep! This TEST will only take a few minutes

Morning headaches can also be related to our unhealthy habits. If we are in the habit of drinking a glass of wine to get a better night’s sleep or smoking a cigarette in the evening, it may disturb our rest. The body is then hypoxic and dehydrated. This is why a headache can greet us in the morning.

Further part below the video.

Interestingly, women complain of this ailment more often. This is related to their menstrual cycle, among other things. Just before or during your period, symptoms usually get worse. Morning headaches can also signal a hormone storm. They disappear when everything returns to normal. This condition can also occur in women who take birth control pills.

If you are someone with migraines, this should be a signal for you. The morning headache may herald the arrival of another attack.

Migrenka tea from Herbapol can help with headaches – it is a mixture of herbs that reduces tension and has an analgesic effect.

  1. This may interest you: 10 ways to deal with a headache without medication

Morning headaches. What diseases could be behind them?

Morning headaches can also be a sign of the following conditions:

  1. neurosis,
  2. sinusitis
  3. bacterial infections,
  4. viral infections,
  5. inflammation of the teeth and mouth,
  6. blood vessel diseases,
  7. hypertension,
  8. bruxism,
  9. apnea,
  10. degeneration of the cervical and spine.

Headaches that come on late at night or in the morning can also be a symptom of some cancers, including a brain tumor. They may also be accompanied by cervical discomfort and high fever. Under no circumstances should you take these symptoms lightly. Be sure to consult your doctor, who should refer you primarily to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

How to prevent morning headaches?

If you want to forget about headaches, you should take care of the right amount of exercise (preferably outdoors). This way your body will be better oxygenated. It will also stimulate your circulation, which will have a positive effect on the work of the heart. Regular exercise will lower the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Thanks to this, your sleep will be calmer and bring you relief and tranquility.

Another way to avoid headaches is to eat a balanced diet. It should contain healthy vegetable fats, fish, vegetables and fruits. You should also reach for products rich in magnesium and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on our nervous system.

Also, do not forget about proper hydration of the body. Every day we should drink about two liters of water. Dehydration is the most common cause of all kinds of pains in the body.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to emotions.

Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

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