Headache in the back of the head

Headache in the back of the head – a pressing feeling in the back of the head, heaviness in the head, tinnitus, pain in the neck and shoulder girdle sometimes deprive the mood and poison life. Such pain cannot be tolerated. How should you deal with her?

First you need to determine its exact location. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to figure it out right away: does the pain occur in the back of the head or in the cervical region? There are various nerve endings in these areas, and if pain occurs in the back of the head, it can radiate to the cervical region, and vice versa.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis by conducting a medical diagnosis. If it is not possible to consult a specialist, you can ask someone to do a small acupressure of the shoulder and neck, this will help determine the main place of pain. If you are sure of the exact location of your pain, then read the following tips that are suitable for your case.

What to do if your neck hurts?

Headache in the back of the head

Neck pain that radiates to the back of the head can occur for the following reasons:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis – a disease that occurs in people who, on duty, have to sit a lot and move little. Very often osteochondrosis affects office workers, programmers, cashiers, truck drivers and people of other professions. Such a disease is accompanied by pain in the neck, neck, and when turning and moving the head, the pain intensifies. Headaches in cervical osteochondrosis are very unpleasant. Such a disease is recommended to be treated exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.

  • Cervical spondylosis is a disease of the spine. At the same time, ruptures and cracks develop in the cartilage discs, and if the course of the disease worsens, intervertebral hernias develop. Such a disease can be accompanied by pain in the shoulders, in the occipital region and on the neck. People who move very little are very susceptible to this disease.

  • Myogelosis necksin other words – muscle compaction. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms: pain in the neck, in the shoulder region, dizziness. The causes of myogelosis can be drafts, stressful conditions, curvature of posture, prolonged nervous tension.

  • Cervical migraine can occur when pathological bone and cartilage tissues are exposed to the artery of the spine, which is responsible for the blood supply to the occipital parts. Such a disease usually causes a headache in the occipital, cervical, sometimes on the temples, and hearing or vision may also be impaired. To more accurately determine this disease, try to feel for the first cervical vertebra, and press a little on it. If you manage to get into the vertebral artery, and the pain increases, it may be a cervical migraine. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist.

Also, pain in the neck can occur when physical exercises are performed incorrectly: muscle tension sometimes causes dizziness, heaviness in the back of the head, a feeling of the presence of some kind of foreign body in the head. In this case, you need to fix the neck in some way, reducing its mobility. In most cases, this brings relief and the pain goes away.

If you don’t move much and you have to sit often, be sure to change your posture more often. Follow your posture constantly, and you will definitely see the result.

At home, with a headache, you can ask someone or do acupressure yourself. If there is a clear improvement from it, then be sure to sign up for several sessions with a reflexologist.

 Irina, who suffered from headaches in her neck and neck, says:

And indeed it is. Often, an ordinary massage is enough to get rid of pain in the back of the head and cheer yourself up. You should never save on your own well-being!

If the head hurts in the back of the head

Pain in this part appears in the following cases:

  • Mental or physical stress over time.

  • Nervous tension, stressful conditions. The possibility of stress headaches increases by the age of 30, women are more likely than men to suffer from stress-related headaches.

  • Arterial hypertension – this disease is not curable, it is associated with an increase in blood pressure. The older the person, the greater the possibility of such a disease. Heredity, alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, stressful conditions, sedentary work also matter. Arterial hypertension can be brought under control if you exercise, move more, and you also need to give up bad habits. It is worth paying attention to your diet: eat less salty foods. Canned food can also be harmful, it is worth abandoning semi-finished products in favor of natural products. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, because they contain potassium, which reduces blood pressure.

  • Various head injuries.

Headache treatment in the back of the head

You can massage your neck, neck, shoulders a little, then try to lie down and relax. Try to calm down completely, forgetting about all the nervous situations and problems that you may have experienced during this day. These actions are often enough to reduce headaches in the back of the head. It is also worth airing the room.

If the pain does not go away, then you can take a tablet of paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac. If the pain is severe, combination analgesics or even triptans may be needed. We wrote more about all these medicines here ➤.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – types of headaches, how and what is the best way to relieve a headache?

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