Headache during pregnancy: how to deal with it without pills? 5 safe ways
Headache during pregnancy: how to deal with it without pills? 5 safe ways

Pregnancy is a period when our whole body goes crazy. Sometimes we don’t recognize ourselves: we have different tastes when it comes to food, and our attitude towards other things changes as well. All this is due to the hormones whose task is to maintain pregnancy. Headache and migraine during this – indisputably, the most beautiful time in a woman’s life, can be a real problem.


Headache and painkillers

Unfortunately, pregnant women must be especially careful about the medications they take. In fact, no medications are completely safe during pregnancy – before taking even herbal preparations (and sometimes not “even” but “as much as”!), a woman should consult her doctor, who, knowing the history of pregnancy, of course, may agree to taking drug, but only if he is 100% sure that the drug does not adversely affect the developing fetus and pregnancy.

Most over-the-counter painkillers have a warning for mothers and pregnant women. So how do you fight a headache when you can’t reach for a tablet?


Safe remedies for headaches: 5 proven ideas

  1. Headache during pregnancy is often caused by external factors, but also internal ones. Fatigue, loud noise, lack of exercise in the fresh air, as well as lack of sleep lead to this. So if your head hurts badly – it’s worth going for a short walk, oxygenating yourself and returning home for a short nap
  2. Headaches are primarily caused by mild dehydration. Pregnant women should drink more fluids. When the head hurts prophylactically, it is worth drinking a few glasses of non-carbonated mineral water. Replenish fluid deficiencies regularly, and remember to drink the right amount of water in the future
  3. It is also worth taking advantage of an aromatic bath that will relax, loosen and relax the body. In addition, such a bath calms down, allows you to forget about problems, has a soothing effect on the nervous system
  4. Cool compresses applied to the forehead may also be helpful. Just wet a small towel with cold water and place it on your forehead and temples. Then you can change the wrap 2-3 times. The headache should lessen or become less severe
  5. Get a massage. Massage your forehead and temples in very slow, circular motions using just your fingertips. You can also ask someone close to you for a neck massage, which will also relax you, improve blood circulation, and thus have a positive effect on the headache you feel

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