“He who speaks of the impracticability of a deed should not interfere with the one who is doing this deed”
B. Shaw

Dear Leaders, I would like to offer you the following thesis for consideration: “You will not punish for words, you will have to punish for deeds”.

Illustration: before an employee commits an act of misconduct or failure to complete a task, as a rule, one should a verbal check by an employee of his Supervisor for the potential for punishment.

For example, the phrases: “Oh, yes, of course, we are unlikely to have time, there are so many things to do”, “Yes, why this report, no one checks them anyway”, “Now such traffic jams in the city have begun, everyone will soon start to be late for work” .

And if at this moment the Manager does not react in any way in order to check and correct the employee’s picture of the world, he runs the risk of soon getting consequences in the form of a failure to meet the deadline of the task, lateness of the employee, and so on. And, characteristically, the employee has a feeling of being right, “They say, I told you so, there are traffic jams, there are a lot of cases, and no one checks the reports.”

Conclusion: it is important to punish for words that carry a non-constructive component. By punishment, I mean, first of all, the verbal-non-verbal-moral influence of the Head on the employee. For example, an attentive strict look with a long «energy» pause.

An important criterion is the appearance of discomfort in Employee at the time of punishment.

The purpose of punishment is to train the employee, a clear demonstration of the incorrectness of the admitted statement. As a result, the employee receives an adjustment of the picture of the world “possible-impossible”, as well as deprivation of the right to not know the point of view of the Manager on this issue.

If this is sorted out, then the next step of mastery is “You won’t punish for thoughts, you will have to punish for words.”

And how to punish for thoughts? — the attentive reader-leader will frown skeptically.

And what are thoughts, if not the expression on the face of your employee, dear reader-supervisor?

Illustration: You set a task for an employee, and at that moment you fix a shadow of displeasure on his face. An inexperienced Manager will prefer to ignore this moment for fear of getting an unpleasant reaction from an employee. An experienced leader will definitely start excavations Why such a reaction? Do you have any questions about the task?

General conclusions:

  1. In order not to have to punish for “Deeds”, train employees at the “Words” and “Thoughts” stages.
  2. Punishment is not an end in itself.
  3. Punishment is the training of an employee through a clear demonstration of the point of view of the Manager.
  4. This is the honesty and respect of the Head for his employee.

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