Head and neck tumors – characteristics, symptoms, treatment

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Sore throat, hoarseness, burning tongue? If these symptoms persist for three weeks, be sure to see a doctor. Few people know that inconspicuous ailments may be signs of head and neck cancers, which more and more Poles suffer from.

  1. Head and neck cancers are the names used for all head and neck cancers because they have similar symptoms
  2. This type of cancer is the seventh most common cancer in the world
  3. Cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and HPV infection are among the causes of head and neck cancers
  4. The symptoms of head and neck tumors are confusingly similar to a common cold, which makes them easy to ignore
  5. To diagnose this cancer, the principle of “One through three” should be followed
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Head and neck cancer – what is it?

Head and neck neoplasms are used to describe collectively all neoplasms located in the head and neck area (except the brain and eyeball). These are diseases with similar symptoms and similar treatment methods, therefore they were classified into one group. The most common head and neck cancers are: throat cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, tongue cancer, nose and sinus cancer, thyroid cancer, and ear cancer.

See also: Have you noticed such changes on your face? It could be lung cancer

Who gets the most head and neck cancers?

According to the data of the World Health Organization, there are about 600 people every year. new cases of head and neck cancer worldwide. It is the seventh most common cancer in the world. In Poland, cases of head and neck cancer constitute 8%. all cancers in men and 5 percent. in women, however, doctors say the figures may be understated.

According to the data of the National Cancer Registry, the number of cases has increased by 10% in the last 25 years.

People who smoke are most at risk of developing head and neck cancer – the risk for smokers is six times higher than for others. The cause of the disease may also be alcohol abuse – it has been noticed that men who drink three units of alcohol a day and women who drink two units a day (one unit corresponds to 25 ml of vodka, 125 ml of wine, 250 ml of beer) are most often ill.

The data of the National Program for the Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer shows that the profile of patients who develop these diseases is changing. Until recently, cancer of the larynx or pharynx was most common in elderly men. Currently, young people under 40, and even in their thirties, who do not smoke or overdo alcohol, suffer more and more often. In them, the most common cause of the disease is the human papillomavirus HPV, which can be infected sexually.

Also read: 10 symptoms that could be a sign of your developing cancer

Symptoms of head and neck tumors

Experts dealing with the treatment of head and neck tumors have created a special definition «One for three »to help diagnose cancer. What is it about? According to this principle, the general practitioner should refer the patient to a specialist if at least one of the following symptoms is present for three weeks:

  1. changes in the tongue and mouth, such as burning tongue, non-healing mouth ulcers, red or white coating
  2. sore throat;
  3. hoarseness;
  4. pain and difficulty swallowing;
  5. a lump in the neck;
  6. stuffy nose or nosebleeds (even from one side).

Patients may also notice very severe sore throats radiating to the ears, which increase at night, weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes, changes in smell, vision, hearing and taste, shortness of breath, speech disorders, bad breath. Such complaints may indicate head and neck cancer if they persist for a long time (minimum three weeks) and are not related to a respiratory infection. Unfortunately, the symptoms of cancer are often confusingly similar to the common cold, allergy or gastric reflux, which makes diagnosis very difficult at an early stage.

– Most patients with head and neck cancers (60%) come to their family doctor too late, in stage III and IV of the neoplastic disease. The chance of a complete cure for these patients is problematic. Most of them die within the first five years of diagnosis. The only hope for patients with head and neck cancers, regardless of age, is quick diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment. Then 95 percent. of them returns to work with a good quality of life – explains prof. Wojciech Golusiński, head of the Department and Clinic of Head, Neck Surgery and Laryngological Oncology, Medical University of Poznań, Greater Poland Cancer Center in Poznań

Diagnosis and treatment of head and neck tumors

If the doctor suspects head and neck cancer, he or she will refer the patient to a number of tests, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography or PET. A sample of the tumor is also taken for histopathological examination. The basis of diagnostics is still a thorough medical history and physical examination.

If the disease is confirmed, the specialist selects the appropriate treatment. Patients are referred, inter alia, for surgical treatment, radio- and chemotherapy. Immunotherapy and robotic surgery are also used. The earlier cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of successful treatment. Therapy can not only save lives, but also reduce the risk of side effects from the diseasesuch as loss of speech, loss of senses, facial distortions, trouble swallowing or eating. Unfortunately, it is these problems that make patients feel excluded, they rarely leave home, and do not return to work and daily duties.

We celebrate September 21-25 European Week of Head and Neck Cancer Prevention. It is an educational and preventive campaign in which people from risk groups can arrange screening tests. More information is available on the website of the National Head and Neck Cancer Prevention Program.

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