He went to the dentist for the first time when he was 62. He had super healthy teeth – that’s how he cared for them

Nigel Walsh from Nottingham, UK, is an example to follow. His exceptional care for his teeth resulted in the fact that he did not have to go to the dentist throughout his life. It was only when he turned 62 that he made his first visit to the dentist. How is it possible that he was protected against tooth decay? Walsh revealed the secret of the health of his teeth.

The man has not been to a dentist for over 60 years

Nigel Walsh has worked in the healthcare sector to date. However, he was not eager to visit doctors himself. He was particularly avoiding the doors of dental offices. Though the family insisted that he go at least for a dental check-up, the man was adamant. Walsh believed that dentists invent some medical conditions. In addition, the man was convincing his relatives that everything was fine with his teeth. And it was true.

It wasn’t until the age of 62 that the British first felt what it meant to have a toothache. Although at first he thought the ailments would go away, they didn’t. The pain in the molar was getting worse. This forced Walsh to act. The 62-year-old went to the nearest dentist’s office. He thought the specialist would see him right away. What was his surprise when he heard that he had to make an appointment.

However, this did not alienate the British. Walsh made an appointment and received professional help. The dentist who treated him could not believe that the 62-year-old had never visited a dentist!

How to properly care for your teeth?

How is it possible that Walsh never had to get his teeth treated? The 62-year-old emphasizes that he has always enjoyed a healthy and strong dentition, and caries was a distant topic for him. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the man never liked sweets and so far they do not appear in his diet. «When I was younger, I never liked sweets and I never really touched them. We didn’t have a lot of money, “he says in an interview with” The Sun “.

In addition, the 62-year-old has always been obsessed with taking care of his teeth. He himself describes it as the “cleaning regime”. “I brush my teeth four or five times a day, always after a meal, because I don’t like the taste of food in my mouth,” reveals Walsh.

At medonetmarket.pl you will find a wide selection of sonic toothbrushes. The Vitammy SMILS sonic toothbrush with five brushing programs, available for just PLN 227

  1. Check it out: A dentist can detect serious medical conditions. They may not have anything to do with the teeth

Will the 62-year-old visit the dentist more often now? Not necessarily. Walsh still believes they are looking for dental problems by force. Nevertheless, he is grateful to the doctor who helped him when he had a toothache.

However, we do not recommend this approach – it is worth checking the condition of your teeth once a year and consulting a dentist.

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