He was said to have had seven heart transplants and wanted to live for 200 years. What was the real life story of David Rockefeller?

The figure of David Rockefeller aroused considerable controversy even when he was alive. His biography was covered with numerous myths, and after the billionaire’s death, conspiracy theories grew even stronger. David Rockefeller was the grandson of the richest man in history. The American “king of kerosene” was said to have undergone seven heart transplants and wanted to live for 200 years.

  1. David Rockefeller, who died a few years ago, is credited with numerous (heart and kidney) transplants
  2. The billionaire was also obsessed with being the first businessman to live to be 200 years old
  3. Although this information is not confirmed, it is known that David Rockefeller took comprehensive care of his health
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

David Rockefeller had seven heart transplants? This is fake news

On the Internet you can find numerous reports that David Rockefeller underwent a heart transplant seven times, he also had a kidney transplant twice. It was also said about the billionaire that he wanted to become the first businessman to live to be 200 years old. However, there is no evidence that any of this information is true.

Moreover, for the first time, sensational reports were published on the World News Daily Report website, which provided false information for satirical purposes. Everything seems to indicate that the revelations about Rockefeller’s numerous transplants and his alleged obsession with surviving 200 years are mere fake news.

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According to US law, medical records in the United States are private. Rumors around Rockefeller’s longevity, however, grew.

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Yes, David Rockefeller cared about his health. “Nurses were on XNUMX-hour duty”

David Rockefeller died in his sleep on March 20, 2017 of heart failure. He lived to be 99 years old. According to nytimes.com, doctors were constantly checking Rockefeller’s health. In the last two years of the billionaire’s life, nurses have been on duty around the clock to monitor Rockefeller’s health for anything unpleasant.

It is known that in the last few years of a billionaire’s life, his diet is at least 75 percent. it consisted of vegetables. He obtained green vegetables from all over the world, many of which were grown in his gardens in Lakewood, Ormond Beach and Tarrytown.

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All of the billionaire’s homes contained elaborate medical equipment to check Rockefeller’s current state of health. The billionaire had medical equipment that a small hospital would not be ashamed of. In addition, he always had an oxygen cylinder on hand, with which he would not part with it during the trip.

David Rockefeller had “watchmaking” habits. The billionaire ate at regular, strictly defined times. He also ate the amount of food precisely measured in terms of energy and vitamin value. Rockefeller also remained physically active for many years. He played golf regularly.

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