He was riding a scooter without a helmet. Battered, sewing head. «He looked worse than a motorcyclist after the accident»

Krakow, near the University of Agriculture. Six carelessly abandoned electric scooters next to the bus stop. Two more are just speeding along the bicycle path along the busy road. I am waiting for the bus, so I stand and count how many of their users are wearing a helmet. After 15 minutes, I counted 23 scooters. And no helmets. Today, it is likely that at least one of these people will come home injured. If he comes back at all.

  1. Polish law does not require people using electric scooters to wear a protective helmet
  2. The consequence is numerous accidents in which one of the most common injuries is head injuries
  3. Paramedic: – A few days ago we received a notification for such an incident. The injured man was a man who was not only riding a scooter without a helmet, but also drunk. He was battered all over, sewing head. He looked worse than the motorcyclist after the accident, driving at a speed of 80 km / h, with the difference that he had protection in the form of a suit – says
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Helmet? No thanks

It is not necessary to conduct experiments, tests and calculations to notice that fans of electronic scooters do not have the same passionate feeling for helmets. People who use such protection are a rare sight, and if someone has a helmet on their head, they most often use their own vehicle, although it is not a rule.

On the one hand, it is hardly surprising. Polish law does not require people using electric scooters to wear a protective helmet (similar to cyclists). For users, it is a great help, especially since most of them use city car rental companies that can be taken literally from the street and left in the same way, without worrying about what to do with a large, shapely helmet during further activities.

On the other hand, every choice has its consequences. In this case, these are – nomen omen – just accidents, the consequences of which for riders can be tragic. And, unfortunately, they are more and more often like that.

Not more than two weeks ago, a tragic event occurred in Krakow. A 65-year-old man riding his own electric scooter has died. The man developed high speed and did not reduce it before hitting the speed bump. At one point he lost his balance and fell, hitting his head against the road. Despite resuscitation, he died. He didn’t have a helmet.

There are more and more such stories and the situation is unlikely to change any time soon. – Unfortunately, the legislation does not keep up with technological innovations. Apparently, we are a very rich country that can afford the treatment and rehabilitation of people after craniocerebral injuries and pensions for them – comments Mateusz Wawryszuk *, paramedic. In the Warsaw agglomeration, where he works, there are many accidents on electric scooters.

– A few days ago, we received a notification for such an event. The injured man was a man who was not only riding a scooter without a helmet, but also drunk. He was battered all over, sewing head. He looked worse than the motorcyclist after the accident, traveling at a speed of 80 km / h, with the difference that this one had protection in the form of a suit – he says.

The parents of young children are the worst

Every ride on a scooter without a helmet is dangerous, but recklessness in this matter is most shocking in the case of children, or rather their parents, who have an ambivalent attitude to this type of protection.

– Even a minor head injury can be serious. I know a case where a slight hematoma after an injury to a child’s head made it lose its sense of taste. Our head is like a can that protects the brain. Unfortunately, this can has a limited volume, so when there is bleeding and a lot of blood, it can lead to swelling, cardiac arrest and eventually death, the expert reminds.

The sight of a child riding a scooter or a bicycle without a helmet is standard in housing estates, but you can also see a different image: the child is wearing a helmet and the parent is not.

– If we require children to wear a helmet, we should also set an example ourselves. Because if the parent rides without a helmet, and the child forces it, then the child will never take it seriously. When it is able to decide for itself whether and how to protect itself, it will not have the habit of resorting to such protection. Besides, if something happens to us, who will raise our child? – Mateusz Wawryszuk asks rhetorically. And he adds: – Let’s also think about our own safety. Let’s wear helmets. It costs little and it could save your life.

The most dangerous are injuries that cannot be seen

Most of the injuries on electric scooters are injuries to the upper limbs, shoulder girdle and collarbone. This is typical injuries of people riding on two-wheelers – motorbikes, bicycles and scooters, because the injured usually fall to the side. There are also spine injuries. Minor injuries such as abrasions, bruises, scratches are hardly counted, because the injured rarely report them. Oh, a small “tipper”.

However, this approach can be tricky. As the paramedic explains, there is never a guarantee that internal organs are not damaged.

– We cannot underestimate such injuries, especially when the impact energy was high. We may not see these internal injuries, and a person after an accident, in adrenaline, may not even feel pain – he explains.

As an example, he mentions the story of a woman who was hit by a tram. – The vehicle hit her slightly, she ran on, because she was not far from the house. She went up to the third floor, sat on the couch and couldn’t get up anymore. When the ambulance arrived, it turned out that the woman had a broken femur – she says.

You can find antibacterial dressings to help with injuries at the Medonet Market.

Importantly, head injuries, which are the cause of many deaths in traffic accidents, also do not have to be visible at first glance.

We may feel fine at first, but if there is a craniocerebral trauma, bleeding inside the skull, the condition will worsen by the hour. Boxers are a good example. It used to be loud about cases when, after being knocked down, they fell on boards, lost consciousness, and then they got up, went home, went to sleep and did not wake up in the morning. Then it turns out that there is intracranial bleeding. Since then, such cases have been watched and there have been calls for vigilance. Therefore, even if the aggrieved party says that he feels okay, one must remain vigilant – the expert says.

If you witness an accident on a scooter, stop and check the condition of the injured person. If you have any doubts about its condition, call the emergency number (112) and ask the trucking planner what to do.

* Mateusz Wawryszuk is a medical and water rescuer. He works in the ambulance service and deals with education in the field of first aid. He is the owner of the Aesculapa company that organizes first aid training, breaking the stereotype that first aid is boring and difficult.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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