He regained his voice after 12 years and called his wife. “I curse too much”

12 years ago, Mr. Stanisław had an accident, as a result of which he burned his larynx with hydrochloric acid so badly that it was almost completely burnt. It could only be removed. In effect the man lost his voice. Just before Easter, he regained it almost miraculously thanks to a successful voice prosthesis implantation.

  1. Doctors from the Silesian Hospital in Cieszyn performed, for the first time in this facility, the secondary implantation of a voice prosthesis
  2. Thanks to the endoscopic procedure, the patient who had lived without the larynx for 12 years was able to regain his voice
  3. Speaking with a prosthesis is something other than using your voice naturally. Therefore, a man has a long process of learning this skill with the support of speech therapists
  4. You can find more up-to-date health information on the TvoiLokony home page

In February this year, Mr. Stanisław came to the otolaryngology clinic at the Silesian Hospital in Cieszyn. This facility has recently been performing primary voice prosthesis implantation procedures since 2020, not only in patients with injuries, but also in cases of advanced stage of laryngeal cancer.. During amputation larynxsimultaneous implantation of voice prostheses is carried out. More than 12 patients who speak and use a fluent voice have already benefited from the procedure.

The procedure performed on 58-year-old Stanisław was, however, something completely new for the Silesian Hospital. Secondary voice prosthesis implantation is an opportunity for those patients who lost their larynx many years ago.

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The procedure lasted only 30 minutes

As the hospital informed on social media, “the procedure of secondary prosthesis implantation did not take place in the operating room, but was carried out in the LaboratoryEndoscopy and lasted about 30 minutes ». After the operation, the patient was able, with the support of a speech therapist, to call his wife and talk to her for the first time in 12 years.

This type of procedure is rarely performed in the entire country, and it was the first operation of this type at the Silesian Hospital. It was conducted by the head of the otolaryngology department, Rafał Jękot and his team.

«During the procedure, a 58-year-old patient created a small opening between the trachea and esophagus a fistula in which a voice prosthesis has been implanted » explains Rafał Jękot, quoted by Poradnikzdrowie.pl. «The treatment was a complete success. We implanted a prosthesis and put it into operation. The patient began to speak on his own. The next day after the surgery, the patient himself called his wife » added the head physician.

He called his wife and said, “Hello”

Mr. Stanisław had undergone multiple treatments beforehandesophagus, which unfortunately did not work, quite the opposite they result in scars and adhesions, which turned out to be an obstacle during implantation of the voice prosthesis. Nevertheless, the operation was a success.

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Mr. Stanisław told his wife “Hello”, and the next day he was to greet each nurse with the words “Good morning”. He is glad to say at least a few words, he laughs that he “swears too much”.

Although the procedure was successful, it is not the end of the patient’s path to full speech efficiency. The way of speaking with a prosthesis is a bit different than the natural one and Mr. Stanisław has to learn it almost from the beginning. «Now it is crucial and necessary to work with a speech therapist» informs the hospital on Facebook.

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