He is to wait for the operation for 3 years. Desperate, he announces a hunger strike

Michał Jezierski from Bydgoszcz, who requires the implantation of a hip replacement, has to wait 3 years for the operation. Desperate, he announces a hunger strike.

Mr. Michał was diagnosed with spine and hip injuries. Orthopedic consultations were merciless. A hip arthroplasty is needed.

The 3-year waiting time for surgery is not only about living in pain that cannot even be relieved by medications, says Michał Jezierski. I am currently on sickness benefit. After that, I won’t be able to go back to work because I’m on crutches all the time. So I will probably lose my job, and thus the roof over my head. Only because I have to wait three years for the operation – he adds.

Out of desperation, the man decided to go on a hunger strike. “I have no other choice,” he says. I just want decent help from the health service, for which I have contributed all my life.

Jan Raszeja, spokesman for the Kuyavian-Pomeranian branch of the National Health Fund, admits that there is a shortage of specialists, and the demand for arthroplasty among patients is constantly growing. However, we have as much money as we have added.

Author: Tomasz Borysiuk

Based on: www.pomorska.pl

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