“He is still too small”: at what age should children be taught to do housework

With the advent of a child, scattered cars and dolls turn into an element of a home interior. But parents prefer to handle the cleaning themselves. “He is only three years old”, “he will grow up – he will learn”, “I don’t want to rush things” – that’s what we hear from moms and dads. Psychologist and blogger Larisa Surkova tells how to properly introduce a child to the household.

Often parents try to make the child’s childhood absolutely serene and carefree, to eliminate any difficulties. It is impossible to protect from bruises and broken knees, but you can “save” the child from household chores. Why stack blocks and wash dishes when you can play, walk and watch cartoons? That’s just such care does not benefit either children or parents. Let’s deal with popular myths that prevent the older generation from actively involving children in household chores.

1. “I don’t want to deprive children of childhood: they will have time to work out”

Some parents want to protect their child from household chores. According to statistics, 89% of them are of the opinion that involving children in housework is not a good idea. In fact, in an effort to protect, we remove the child from domestic difficulties. He does not understand such self-sacrifice and gets used to a carefree life. But are we preventing him from becoming more independent and responsible? Wouldn’t it be better to help your son or daughter discover their talents and feel important?

2. “It’s boring for kids”

We often forget what it’s like to be children. 9% of parents continue to believe that housework is not interesting for the child. In reality, children are just beginning to discover the world for themselves. They all seem interesting. Even the most ordinary cleaning can be turned into an exciting quest or game.

3. “It’s easier for me to do it myself”

Of course, we want to do the best: we prefer to clean ourselves, because it only takes half an hour. Many parents believe that if the child helps, household chores run the risk of dragging on. With such “care”, we nullify his desire to help and take away his chance to learn something new. When the child grows up, when asked to clean up or cook, you run the risk of hearing: “I don’t want to.”

What is the benefit of this help?

1. The child will learn to deal with failure.

Children’s worldview largely depends on their parents. It is in our power to influence how the child will relate to his victories and defeats. Cleaning and cooking are not always without little annoyances. A broken plate, a fallen flower, spilled powder – it happened to everyone. Everyday incidents will teach children to make decisions in difficult situations and make the right experience out of failures. The importance of developing everyday skills is noted by 60% of parents in Russia.

2. The child will learn to be more responsible

Taking care of the house teaches us to monitor not only the cleanliness of the apartment. The child understands that a lot depends on him: whether the jasmine is watered, whether the fish are fed. More than 70% of parents agree with the need to instill responsibility in children. The child sees: he washed the dishes – he eats from a clean plate, put the cars in their places – he can bring friends to a clean room. At this moment, he begins to understand: actions have consequences.

3. The child will become more confident

Low self-esteem interferes with the full development of the individual. A sense of self-worth is the main “cure” for this “disease”. Doing housework, the child sees how parents rejoice in his success. He understands that all efforts are not in vain.

At what age to start

Children show a more active interest in housework between the ages of 4 and 12. But you can introduce your child to housework from the age of 3. Home tasks for a three-year-old will be different from the list of tasks that a student can complete.

3-4 years

It is necessary to accustom the child to the household gradually. At the age of 3, he is already striving for independence. The task of the parents is to help him. Putting away toys, putting a plate in the sink, dusting the bottom shelf – the child can easily cope with these tasks. The main thing is to show by example how to do it right.

5-6 years

At this age, many parents involve children only in cleaning toys. In fact, by this time the child has already mastered the skills of self-care, and the range of tasks can be expanded: putting your clothes in the closet, returning the book to the shelf should not be a problem. Pour food to the dog, put the food on the shelves, dust the room, wash the spoon after you – a five-year-old child can also do this quite well.

7-8 years

Most parents instruct their child to clean the room only by the age of 8. But a child can do it even at an earlier age. At 8 years old, you can teach children basic culinary skills. They will be able to pour cereal with warm milk, boil dumplings or make a sandwich. Then you need to teach to order: the child can vacuum, wipe the floor, water the flower.

How to teach a child to help with the housework

Teaching a child to the household is stressful for both parents and for himself. To help your little helper quickly adapt to a new role, you can use the tips:

1. Turn tasks into a game

When teaching a child to take care of the house, it is very important not to forget that any work should be fun. Children quickly get used to routine duties, and cleaning begins to bring only boredom. Vacuum cleaner, broom and jars of cleanser are no longer of interest. The child needs to be carried away. There is no better way to do this than a game. One has only to look around: ideas can be found in every room. For example, a vacuum cleaner resembles a monster demanding food, scattered dolls resemble lost residents who cannot find their way home. The child can imagine being a wizard helping toys get back to their friends, or a lifeguard cleaning an apartment of germs.

2. Get the job done together

More than 53% of Russians believe that only joint work will help children fall in love with household chores. Interestingly, dads prefer the cash method, while moms take the more traditional “learning by working together” approach. I prefer the second way. It is important for a child to feel that parents are nearby and will always be able to help with advice. Adults will perform more complex tasks, and a child can be entrusted with easier work. For example, dad vacuums, daughter dusts. Or mom bakes fish while son cuts tomatoes for salad. Talk to your child, ask him about his progress – do not forget to communicate. You will notice how regular cleaning will help you get closer.

3. Be an example

Children learn by looking at their parents. And it depends on us how they will relate to domestic work and how they will be able to agree on domestic issues. The child absorbs information like a sponge. Therefore, one should not be surprised at his refusal to wipe the dust if adults are too lazy to tidy up. Be a positive example for your children. Let him see that the morning scrambled eggs are cooked with love, the clothes are quickly put in order, and the shelf is hung on time.

About the Developer

Larisa Surkova — psychologist, ambassador of the social campaign #BetterTogether from the Indesit brand.

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