“He is cheating on you”: the girl left a note to her lover’s permanent partner

What to do if a lover hid from you that he is not free? Make a scandal? Leave, slamming the door loudly, and forget about what happened? There are other options: for example, to warn your “friend in misfortune.”

Often people find out about a partner’s betrayal quite by accident: friends notice his profile on a dating app, he loses his vigilance and texts with someone until the morning or even comes home, fragrant with an unfamiliar cologne. It happens that traitors are “declassified” by someone else’s hair on clothes, random photos on the phone, or a sharp change in musical tastes.

With Molly, who lives in Chicago, the opposite story happened – she herself turned out to be a likely mistress. In a video on TikTok, the girl said that once she met a guy named Josh in a bar. Their acquaintance smoothly flowed into meetings at his house, and during the third such visit, she discovered an unexpected find in the bathroom – a bag with women’s cosmetics and hygiene products.

Did she know that her lover had a girlfriend or wife? According to Molly, she was sure that both the guy and his roommate were not dating anyone. Josh himself, apparently, did not tell her about anything like that. As a result, Molly not only refused to meet her lover, but also decided to warn Josh’s possible partner that the guy was cheating on her.

In the video, recorded in the same bathroom, the girl showed a note that says: “If you are dating Josh, know that he is cheating on you!”. Molly put it in the woman’s makeup bag, presumably so that her lover couldn’t accidentally find the message and get rid of it.

At the moment, the video has collected more than 156 likes and more than a thousand comments: however, the opinions of commentators about it are divided. Some believe that this is a very witty decision and such a note can be considered a symbol of women’s solidarity.

One girl even shared the story from the “back” side: “This happened to me. I found a note under my hair curler. Thank you for leaving one too!” There were also those who suggested that the things remained with Josh after he broke up with his ex. Or that he, like many commentators (what a thought!), keeps this set in case of need for female guests.

Later, Molly added to the story: Josh did not admit that he was in a relationship, but he could not explain the origin and function of the women’s cosmetic bag in his bathroom.

Maybe it doesn’t really matter if Josh cheated or not. But this story is a wonderful example of solidarity and mutual assistance. People who try to warn each other about a possible mistake or betrayal are worthy of respect: perhaps this will save someone not only mental, but also physical health.

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