Ovarian cancer is said to be the “silent killer”. Initially, it does not give any typical symptoms, and when the signals do appear, they are very subtle. We can confuse them with indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, PMS. This delays diagnosis and worsens the prognosis. What symptoms should prompt women to see a doctor as soon as possible?
- Ovarian cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms among Polish women and one of the five most frequently dying from among Polish women
- Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult due to, among others, no clear typical symptoms, 80 percent. these are gastric problems
- Prof. Paweł Blecharz: a specific symptom is abdominal enlargement resulting from the accumulation of fluid, i.e. ascites
- When treating digestive ailments for several weeks does not give results, it is worth visiting a gynecologist
- More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Ovarian cancer in Poland
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms among Polish women. Every year, 3,5 people hear the diagnosis. women. Unfortunately, in most cases, the disease is detected too late. Moreover, ovarian cancer is one of the five most often women die from in Poland (apart from breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer).
- More in the article: The five cancers of which Polish women die most often
Ovarian cancer is most often detected in postmenopausal women (over 50), but it should not be forgotten that the disease can affect women of any age. Although the causes of ovarian cancer are not fully understood, there are risk factors. The probability of developing the disease is increased by obesity, endometriosis, childlessness, late menopause, Lynch syndrome, BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation carriers.
Do you want to check if the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations apply to you? You can carry out diagnostics in this respect by opting for a mail-order genetic test for breast and ovarian cancer from Medonet Market.
Ovarian cancer is a difficult problem in gynecological oncology, despite efforts to detect it early, emphasizes the portal “Tropic of Cancer” dedicated to cancer patients. The reason is the already mentioned late diagnosis of the disease. This in turn is influenced, among others, by no characteristic symptoms. All this is what makes this disease known as the “silent killer”. It is estimated that five out of seven women with ovarian cancer will lose their lives.
So how to recognize a developing ovarian cancer at an early stage and thus increase the chances of defeating the disease? Learn the signals that should prompt you to visit a doctor and get tests.
Ovarian cancer symptom – ascites
Ovarian cancer basically does not give any characteristic symptoms, and the pain is a signal of a significant advancement of the disease and tumor growth. The signs of a developing ovarian cancer are very subtle and mostly relate to gastrointestinal disorders. Doctors indicate that as much as 80 percent. symptoms are gastric symptoms.
Often they do not arouse anxiety among women, what is more, as the “Tropic of Cancer” notes, “they often do not induce the doctor to recommend detailed gynecological diagnostics”, which would enable early detection of changes. What should increase women’s vigilance?
– A characteristic and specific symptom is abdominal enlargement resulting from the accumulation of fluid, i.e. ascites – says prof. Paweł Blecharz, head of the Department of Gynecological Oncology, National Institute of Oncology Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie (branch in Krakow). It is estimated that this symptom occurs in 30% of people. sick.
- The entire interview with prof. Paweł Blecharz: “The advancement of ovarian cancer in Polish women is much greater than in the West” There are chances for more effective treatment
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms – Warning Signals
Ovarian cancer may also be accompanied by:
- a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which may be caused by the weight of a large cyst or the pressure caused by tumor infiltration,
- lack of appetite, quick feeling of fullness,
- progressive disease may be accompanied by flatulence, belching, splashing, nausea, vomiting, constipation,
- a feeling of urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sometimes pain during intercourse – these are symptoms caused by the enlargement of the tumor size,
- there may also be symptoms of the reproductive organ (although this happens less often) – irregular or more profuse bleeding, a feeling of pressure in the pelvis.
Of course, the symptoms listed above do not necessarily indicate ovarian cancer, and other diseases can also cause them. “If these symptoms occur more than 12 times a month, see your doctor so that the cause can be found and treated,” recommends the American Cancer Society, an American non-profit organization dedicated to counteracting cancer.
We should also remember that if the treatment of digestive ailments does not give results for several weeks, it is also worth visiting a gynecologist.
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