At the beginning of the relationship, you could not tear yourself away from each other, but over time, the partner ceased to be as ardent as before. Experts say that if a man loses sexual interest in you, this does not always mean that feelings have subsided. And while every couple has their own story, there are a few of the most common causes of loss of male libido.
1. Too much work
Are you worried that someone else has invaded your relationship? Perhaps you are right, only the lovebird does not look the way you imagine: this is his work. “If a man goes headlong into a business he is passionate about, his sexual desire can be sublimated and directed towards career results,” explains neuropsychologist and coach Sydney Sarato. “Achievements, money, raising social status turn out to be incentives that completely absorb a person.”
Talk to your partner about how to balance his work life with his personal life, and what you can do together as a couple to help him leave professional problems at home.
2. Low testosterone
The level of testosterone in men falls after the age of thirty by an average of 0,4-2%. By this age, 13% lead an insufficiently mobile lifestyle, which also slows down the production of a key hormone for male libido. Low testosterone causes not only the fading of interest in sexual life, but also depressed mood and loss of muscle mass. These symptoms indicate that it’s time to take care of the hormonal system.
“About 97% of men with low testosterone levels have problems in their sex lives,” Sydney Sarato recalls. “For a couple, this should not be a sentence: this condition is well corrected with the help of hormone replacement therapy and stress management skills.”
3. Beginning of andropause
Most of us associate hormonal changes after fifty with menopause, a period in a woman’s life. However, in modern medicine, the term andropause has become entrenched, describing the condition of men. And although there are not so significant changes in their body, Dr. Sarato calls for understanding that your partner is not only in no hurry to retire with you, but also hardly notices that you have changed your hairstyle. The reason for this is a significant decrease in testosterone. You should not defiantly punish him with reciprocal silence – try to talk frankly about your changed sexual desires.
4. Passion for pornography
Studies show that men who are overly involved in porn content lose their sense of emotional connection with a regular partner, and this inevitably affects sex. When porn viewing becomes addictive, the ability to fully arouse with a real person is lost. The neurons circulating in the brain while watching pornography can lead to almost the same chemical addiction as cocaine.
“Often the trigger is a feeling of loneliness, the inability to sincerely talk to each other and resolve inevitable problems,” says Dr. Sarato. “If you suspect that your partner is addicted to watching porn and your sex life is suffering from this, this is not an occasion for accusations, but for considering how your relationship develops outside the bedroom.”
5. Fear of fiasco
Erectile dysfunction, expressed in the difficulty of achieving an erection, premature or difficult ejaculation, is also the reason that men avoid intimate relationships. However, these symptoms can also indicate more serious diseases, such as prostatitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders. Talk to your partner about your health concerns. It is important for a man at this moment to feel that you love him and are ready to provide maximum support.
6. Excess weight
Obesity and associated insufficient physical activity lead to the extinction of sexual function in 31% of men. Physical activity, on the contrary, increases the level of endorphins, allows you to feel better and be more confident – including in sex.
7. Lack of attention on your part
Losing interest in sex may be a response to the fact that a man no longer feels loved. Hug your partner more often, take your hand, do not forget to say gentle words – these manifestations of attention will enliven your intimate life.