He has been living without the cerebral cortex for 10 years

Alex Simpson from Omaha, Nebraska has been living with the so-called hydranencephaly, a severe congenital brain injury that has deprived it of the cerebral cortex – reports Acta Pediatrica. This is an extremely rare case.

Hydranencephaly is usually fatal in the first year of life. There are, however, amazing cases of this disease as is Alex Simpson. The oldest person with this condition was 2014 years old in July 35.

Babies with hydranencephaly at birth generally appear normal and have a normal head structure. They also perform involuntary movements, such as sucking, swallowing, crying, and arm and leg movements. Initially, it is hard to even suspect that they suffer from this disease. After a few weeks, the baby becomes more irritable, which may be manifested by frequent crying as well as increased muscle tension.

Alex Simpson cried 20 hours a day. For two months her parents didn’t know what was causing it. It was then that they found out that she was born with hydranencephaly, which means that the baby only has vesicles filled with cerebrospinal fluid, instead of the cerebral hemispheres.

The girl’s remains of the cerebellum are preserved, thanks to which she is aware of what is happening in her immediate surroundings. Her father, Shawn Simpson, claims that she recognizes both him and her mother and younger brother. When something bad happens around her, she reacts with crying or sadness on her face.

Acta Paediatrica conducted a survey among 108 caregivers of children with hydranencephaly. 29 percent of them claim that these toddlers react and imitate the behavior of adults, and 26 percent. reaches for objects, which may indicate the performance of intentional movements.

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