He has a sore throat, what if it was sore throat?
What is sore throat?
As said before, tonsils are small round masses composed of lymphoid tissue, located at the back of the throat. They are on the front line to stop the attacks of viruses and bacteria. When these infectious agents attack with force, the tonsils inflame, enlarge and become painful. It’s angina.
What are the causes of angina?
“The culprit is in the vast majority of cases a virus. Less frequently, it is a bacterium – often streptococcus – which triggers angina, ”explains Dr Laurent Mengus, pediatrician in Strasbourg. Viruses or bacteria are spread by air, by coughing, sneezing or spitting, or by simple contact with contaminated objects.
How to recognize the symptoms of angina in children?
A sore throat is synonymous with sore throat. “It is also manifested by difficulty in swallowing (pain when you swallow your saliva or food), a more or less important fever, and sometimes, abdominal pain and vomiting”, describes Dr. Mengus. A cough may also be present. And if you look at the back of your child’s throat, you will see tonsils that are red and swollen, or covered with a whitish coating. This is why we speak of “red” or “white” angina. Lymph nodes may be palpable on either side of the neck. “When there is also a rash, it is scarlet fever, a very particular sore throat. “
The diagnosis
“When there is a sore throat and a lot of fever, it is necessary to consult, at least to check that there is nothing else”, recommends Dr. Mengus. The doctor is going to examine the throat of his little patient. But the appearance of the tonsils alone is not enough to tell whether angina is viral or bacterial.
“To be sure, we do a rapid diagnostic test, TROD angina. We use a swab – a kind of big cotton swab – to take a swab from the back of the throat. This cotton swab is then dipped into a tube which contains a reagent. A strip is in turn immersed in this liquid, and we get the verdict a few minutes later. One red stripe signifies viral infection, two stripes signifies bacterial infection. “
Distinguishing between the two is important because their treatment is totally different. This test is made available free of charge to general practitioners, pediatricians and ENT specialists by Health Insurance, to avoid the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics. The Health Insurance recommends the test in children from 3 years old. “Before 3 years, the test is useless because bacterial angina is very rare”, we can read on
What treatment for angina in children?
“Antibiotics, used wrongly, will become less strong. In fact, the doctor will only prescribe them if the angina is of bacterial origin. It is therefore important to follow this treatment to the letter to avoid complications, especially when the bacteria responsible is streptococcus.
“Antibiotics should be handled with care. To prescribe them, you need biological arguments, ”insists Dr Mengus. The treatment must be followed to the end. 48 hours after the start of antibiotics, the child is no longer contagious. He can therefore find his little friends at school, if he feels better.
If the angina is viral, these drugs are completely unnecessary. It will heal spontaneously within a few days. The treatment is then purely symptomatic – “paracetamol, only” – to calm the pain and fever. Moreover, we only treat the latter if it is badly supported by the child. Aspirin is not recommended for children because it increases the risk of Reye’s syndrome, a rare but serious disease.
Above all, the child will have to rest, to recover as quickly as possible. At home, if he has trouble swallowing, prepare him mashed potatoes, soups, and compotes instead. The cold soothes the pain, so you can make him happy with ice cream. If he’s not very hungry for two to three days, don’t worry. On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that he drinks regularly, to avoid dehydration. Finally, we can give it honey “for its anti-inflammatory effect. “
Get Loulou through winter without a sore throat? It is impossible to block all viruses, but a few reflexes can limit the risk. “In winter, the humidity of the air in overheated rooms is often too scarce, which dries up the mucous membranes and makes them more vulnerable to infection. Humidifiers are useful throughout the heating period, ”recommends the Vidal medical dictionary.
“In summer, beware of the air conditioning and the sudden alternation between hot and cold. If your child has been sweating profusely, change his clothes quickly. Evaporation of sweat cools the surface of the body. “