He found out it was cancer. One sentence of the doctor remembers exactly to this day
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Of the three cancers that affect men – prostate, testes, and penis – the least awareness is about the latter. Richard Stamp, who was diagnosed with penile cancer a few years ago, talks about it. “If I had known then what I know now – that penile cancer is possible – I would probably go to my GP to ask if we are dealing with it,” she says. – If you notice anything disturbing, go to the doctor – he urges.

  1. Penile cancer affects 1 in 100 men. One such case is British performer Richard Stamp
  2. A few years ago, he saw a pea-sized tumor on his penis. “I really didn’t think it could be cancer, because I’ve never heard of it,” says the Brit
  3. “I will have to cut your penis,” he heard from the doctor who diagnosed him
  4. Fortunately, part of the organ was saved. Stamp has been free from cancer for three years, and a painstaking reconstruction still lies ahead
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Penis cancer. An amputation was necessary

Richard Stamp, actor, performer and comedian from London, was on his Asia tour, specifically Cambodia, when he first noticed a pea-sized lump on his penis.

He went to the doctor while in Australia. The diagnosis was a shock. – It’s cancer. I’m going to have to cut your penis, Mr. Stamp. It’s the only way, the local doctor told him. The actor says that he hears these words all the time – even after several years.

“I really didn’t think it could be cancer because I’ve never heard of penile cancer,” he says in an interview with HuffPost. – I was convinced it had to be something else. When I heard the diagnosis, I was devastated – he adds.

– The doctor suddenly told me I had penis cancer. (…) He told me that I would never be a man anymore and I would not be able to have sex. Felt like I was a washing machine during the review. «I checked the filters. It’s not good. Everything must be removed »- says the comedian.

Stamp did not stay in Australia for treatment. He returned to London and learned that his local St George’s Hospital in Tooting was a world leader in the treatment of penile cancer.

The penis can be saved

The actor recalls how much hope he felt when he spoke to an NHS (National Health Service) doctor. “Yes, it was a tumor, but the doctors told me they could save part of the penis: the inner core and the urethra. They didn’t want to take my testicles out of me, ‘he says.

He also found out that he could undergo penis reconstruction. “It was the first time I thought, okay, I’m going to have major surgery, but I can recover after that,” she says.

He has been cancer-free for three years, but rehabilitation takes a long time. – These are small steps. I tell myself: two months ago I couldn’t put on my jeans. Now I can – he says.

One guy in 100

Stamp wrote a play based on his story. Partly at the urging of a friend who recently died of cancer himself. Her title «Dick: One Man in 100 000»Refers to the prevalence of this disease. In the US and UK, penile cancer affects 1 in 100 people. men, it is less common in Australia 1 in 250 thousand

Stamp’s earlier plays were usually surreal, this time the material is extremely realistic. It mainly tells about the fear of an operation that involved circumcision and removal of the tumor. – That fear in the anesthesiologist’s office right in front. I was absolutely terrified and wanted to run away, he says. – But I knew that if I got up and run, it would be the end – he adds.

  1. Find out more: Prof. Flogging: We are unable to delay the onset of prostate cancer

Stamp praises the British surgeons and specialists involved in its treatment, and at the same time recalls the “barbaric” approach of the doctor who first made the diagnosis. “It’s terrible how he treated me and how little he cared about it.” You shouldn’t give information to anyone in this way. Such informing me about the diagnosis is one of the worst things that have happened to me in my life – he admits.

The British says that he was completely unable to cope with the diagnosis. – I couldn’t get away from her. In addition, it hurt more and more. I couldn’t piss, I didn’t masturbate. And the bump the size of a pea has grown to the size of a cocktail sausage. It was obvious that something was wrong. It really was a slaughterhouse – he says.

Penis reconstruction

Six months after penectomy (a surgical procedure involving partial or complete penile amputation, most often due to a tumor of this organ – ed.), He was inspected. Everything was fine.

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Before him, the reconstruction process. A penis scaffold will be formed from the arm and nerves portion, tissue will be formed from the stomach portion, and the leg material will be used to form the glans.

– That scares me a little. It may take time to master this fear. But for me, going to the toilet is not easy, so it would be nice to have something to piss on, she says.

There are three major surgeries ahead of him – one will last ten hours, the other four hours and the last – an hour. He is currently undergoing laser hair removal on his arm, where the skin is to be harvested for transplantation.

Penile cancer prevention

In 2019, Stamp took part in a documentary entitled “Shopping for A New Penis”, in which he tells his story and shows what the future of penile cancer treatment will look like. From reconstructive operations and robotics to the use of some tissue fragments grown from the patient’s own cells.

As he emphasizes, new medical technologies will be able to help not only people like him, i.e. cancer survivors, but also transsexuals, people after accidents or soldiers mutilated during military operations.

He was also involved in awareness-raising activities. He established cooperation with the organization Check My Tackle and Orchid, which deals with cancers affecting men: prostate, testicles and penis. Stamp emphasizes that awareness of the first two cancers is high, while there is much to be done on the topic of penile cancer. “GPs still have little knowledge on this subject,” he emphasizes.

  1. see also: Testicular self-examination and cancer. How to Examine the Testicles?

– Not everyone has to get to where I am. I’m smarter after what happened. If I had known then what I know now – penile cancer is possible – I would probably go to my GP to ask if we are dealing with it, Stamp says.

“So if you notice anything disturbing, go to the doctor,” he urges.

Penile cancer – symptoms

Penile cancer can take the form of a cauliflower nodule, ulcer, infiltration, wart, nodule or induration and endophytic lesions (tissue loss). The disease process begins on the glans or the inner lamina of the foreskin. Most often, penile cancer is painless, does not cause urination disorders, but it can infiltrate the cavernous bodies of the penis and the spongy body of the urethra (in advanced stages). In addition, this cancer can spread through the lymph vessels to the lymph nodes in the groin. Then you can feel hard small lumps in the groin.

  1. Find out more: Tumors of the testicles – types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes, in the course of penile cancer, there is serous or bloody discharge, and the presence of phimosis in a man significantly delays the proper diagnosis of the disease. The lump may go unnoticed, especially when it is located under the foreskin. Untreated cancer leads to the development of many infections and the formation of necrosis in the lymph nodes and the penis. In addition, a complication in the form of sepsis may occur, which may result in the patient’s death.

Diagnosis of penile cancer

A suspicious lesion in the penile area is usually noticed by the patient without any problems. In a urology clinic, a physical examination of the scrotum and penis is a routine activity that can often save lives. Therefore, the physical examination is the basis in the diagnosis of penile cancer. During the examination, the size of the changes on the penis, their infiltration of the whitish membrane, the location of these changes and the cavernous and spongy bodies are assessed. In addition, a specialist looks closely at the inguinal lymph nodes and checks for metastasis.

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One hundred percent diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of tumor biopsy from the previously collected sample. The material for the study is collected on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia (there is no need to stay in the hospital). A slice is taken from large lesions, while in the case of smaller ones – it is removed completely. Neoplastic changes on the foreskin are often an indication for its removal (circumcision) – this procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, and the patient should stay in the hospital in the urology department.

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