He fights in Lviv, she misses in Prague. Love in the Shadow of War

Before the invasion, Ivan and Maryna lived together in Lviv. On February 20, they returned from a joint vacation. Four days later, their lives changed radically. Maryna fled to Prague for a few days, Ivan stayed to defend his homeland. They haven’t seen each other for almost three weeks, and they don’t know when they’ll be able to embrace each other again. Maryna wakes up every day with fear for her lover. They are both living under unimaginable stress right now.

  1. On February 24, Our Country invaded Ukraine. Rumors about a large group of saboteurs who landed in the vicinity of Lviv prompted Maryna to make a dramatic decision: to go through Poland to the Czech Republic
  2. The fear that Maryna and Ivan have been living for 23 days is unimaginable, but it also drives them to heroic deeds
  3. Ivan decided to join the army. It will actively fight for the country. After a few days of wandering, Maryna ended up in the Czech Republic, where she helps other refugees. He misses and is afraid for his beloved every day
  4. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

This report was originally published on February 28, when Maryna was still waiting at the crossing in Medyka. Today it has been supplemented with 18 days that have elapsed since she crossed the border with Poland.

Day one, day two

7 a.m., February 24, Lviv. In the house of less than 30-year-old Ivan in Lviv, the phone rings.

It was my friend from the Dnieper, located in central Ukraine. When someone calls you at night or early in the morning, you know that it’s not going to be good news. Pavlo asked what the situation was in Lviv. “Why?” I asked. “Bombs go off in town. I’ll call you later” rushed and hung up. My girlfriend and I immediately started reading news on the internet (we don’t have a TV at home). What we saw was awful, terrifying. Although it wasn’t surprising at all, we expected it. At the same time, no one expected such a massive attack from so many sides. Crimea, Kharkiv, Sumy, Belarus … We knew that Lukashenko would lose his mind, but still … Shock.

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During the day, attacks continued. Ivan and his girlfriend Maryna were constantly following reports from other parts of the country, they also went to an ATM to get cash.

Rockets were launched all over Ukraine, west to east, north to south. In the evening we went to check the nearest bunker. We have prepared backpacks with food, water, documents. And we went to bed. The stress was overwhelming and the night terrifying. We were afraid that we would not hear sirens in our sleep if they wailed, so we opened the windows. I can’t really talk about sleep. We fell asleep, woke up after 30 minutes, read the latest news and dropped out again for 30 minutes.

The morning of February 25 was even more terrifying. This time, alarm sirens also sounded in Lviv.

It was 7 am. I heard these sirens howling for the first time in my entire life. We literally got dressed in a minute and escaped to the shelter, which is, in practice, just the basement. We spent an hour there listening to a local radio station. We had no coverage in the shelter neither internet nor telephone. This analog radio was the only source of information we had about the outside world. Finally, we heard something like “You can come out of the shelter now”. So we left.

Due to the “relative peace” in Lviv, several of Ivan’s relatives and friends decided to go to Ivan and Maryna.

I prepared sleeping bags, mats and food for them. We only have one room and three places to sleep in it. But there is also a warm floor, so it can be quite comfortable on the foam pad.

The rest of the text is below the video.

«I felt I had to do something»

When I ask Ivan to describe his situation, he emphasizes that he has had a sudden breakthrough.

At first, I felt fear, uncertainty, fear for my relatives who are literally 200 km from the front. The first few hours after the invasion was sheer shock, powerlessness. But then I felt I had to do something. I started volunteering, spreading information through Facebook, donating money to the army, patrolling the streets. We are strong and we will stay that way. For our freedom, our country and our future. I am writing this at 20.00pm on February 25th. The invaders are in Kiev, our capital. The army is doing its best to repel the attack, but we all understand that Our Country, unfortunately, has far more money and human resources. We only win these battles because we are the defending side. And defense requires less stamina than attack. Without the support of Great Britain, the USA and the European Union, we will not win this war. Unfortunately. And when I see countries seem to forget the Budapest Memorandum, I feel like someone has stabbed me in the back.

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Day third

On February 26, a dramatic decision is made in the house of Maryna and Ivan, as in many other Ukrainian homes. He stays, volunteering for the army. She goes on a long journey through Medyka to Poland to reach her brother in Prague.

For now, I will be a volunteer, which means that I will help at the barricades, transport refugees from central Ukraine to the East or to the border. Tomorrow (February 26) I am joining a local military group. Technically, it’s not an army, but technically Yes. I will not hit the “hottest” points because I have no experience as a soldier. We will patrol the streets and protect the most important infrastructure. We are also going to have a course in firearms and first aid.

At the same time, we are organizing a trip to Maryna together. I work on the Polish side. The waiting time at the crossing in Medyka on Saturday is 48 hours. Ivan says it is supposed to be better in Korczowa. I am looking for information on the Polish Internet, I am trying to reach the border guard – to no avail. Finally, I contact the TvoiLokony reporter in Przemyśl, who says straightforwardly: «At every border crossing, it will be similar now. Zator is on the Ukrainian side and times will be comparable everywhere ”. At the same time, a friend from Przemyśl is ready to take her from Medyka to the railway station, from where she is to board the train. Direction – Wrocław or Kraków. In both cities there is a “base” waiting for Maryna accommodation and any other help from my trusted people.

So a decision is made: Maryna goes to Medyka. He leaves Lviv in the early afternoon, late in the evening at the border crossing. In front of her there is a traffic jam for 30 km. In Lviv, where Ivan stayed, the sirens sound again.

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Fifth day

On February 28, Maryna is still waiting in line at the crossing in Medyka. Several dozen hours, the temperature dropped below 0 at night. Maryna is waiting in the bus, so she has quite comfortable conditions compared to those who chose to walk. They stand in the cold, light fires and cover themselves with blankets to keep themselves warm.

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And we, on the Polish side, are still waiting to take over Maryna and help her reach Prague safely. In 2018, Ivan covered exactly the same route that Maryna will now travel. It was his first trip to the West. I showed him Poland then, everything was fine. I met him two years earlier. For two days he showed me around Lviv – a beautiful city full of kind people. A city where now loving couples say goodbye, not knowing if they will see each other again. Computer scientists are training to use weapons, although they have never thought of joining the army before. Where people wander in cellars with their cats, dogs and hamsters, listening to analogue radio to find out if there are bombs flying. XNUMXst century, the center of Europe.

[UPDATE] On the Polish side

When the Ukrainian woman found herself on the Polish side, she was greeted by volunteers waiting at the border to help refugees. She immediately ended up in a warm tent with food, water and personal care products. Volunteers helped Maryna find a free bus going straight to Wrocław. The journey took several long hours and the girl was already swaying. In addition, due to roaming issues, she was unable to use her phone. Neither to contact Ivan in Ukraine, nor to contact me so that I would know when he will reach the capital of the voivodeship. Lower Silesia.

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She finally managed to call me on a borrowed phone. I was able to let Ivan, concerned about it, know that everything was fine and not to worry. When at 23 pm Maryna finally arrived in Wrocław, my friends were waiting for her there. After a few days of wandering, she was finally able to wash, go to sleep in a comfortable bed, eat a quiet breakfast, and then drive to Prague with my friends. It reached its destination in the late evening of March 1.

– An important thing that I realized during this crossing is that even if I had no one on the Polish side, the volunteers would still help me with accommodation and everything else. I am very grateful to the Poles for everything they do for us Ukrainians! It is difficult to express in words how grateful we are for all that you do for us!

Day 23.

18 days have passed since the day when Maryna crossed the border with Poland. At that time, the girl decided to actively work for refugees, but also for citizens who are still in Ukraine. He helps in collecting, sorting and shipping humanitarian aid to his homeland. It informs compatriots at the front about which places are unsafe, and acts as a link between refugees and those offering temporary accommodation. It also tries to fight fake news spread by the propaganda apparatus.

In the meantime, their mutual relative came to the Prague apartment where Maryna and her brother are staying. The woman was undergoing chemotherapy before the war broke out. Discontinuation of treatment would be disastrous for her, and access to therapy in Ukraine is currently very difficult. In the Czech Republic, a woman received help.

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Maryna and Ivan have not seen each other for 18 days. Every day they talk to each other on the Internet, not knowing when they will be able to fall into each other’s arms.

– I want to get back to him as soon as possible. I miss Ivan so much, and I feel terribly guilty for not being able to support him there at this terrible time. It’s a terrible feeling not knowing what the next day will bring. And when you know that he, Ivan, is there. Right in the center of it all. Without me.

Our Country still has not withdrawn from Ukraine, Ivan is on the front line every day. On the night of March 18, explosions were heard in Lviv. In the morning smoke was blowing over the city.

Also read:

  1. A doctor from Ukraine working in Poland: I am devastated by this situation, my parents are there
  2. Polish rescue train for Ukrainians
  3. s attack hospitals. “This is a dark moment in history”

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