He drank two bottles of cold water in the sun. He barely survived

The young American was working in the heat. When he decided to take a break and cool down, he did not expect that drinking a gulp of water would have such serious consequences. His father saved him from death.

  1. Adam Schaub, working in the heat, decided to cool down by gulping down two bottles of cold water. He passed out and suffered a thermal shock. Before his death, he was saved by his father who called an ambulance
  2. Heat shock occurs as a result of an increase in pressure caused by a sudden change in body temperature. The blood vessels constrict and this can lead to death
  3. Nutritionists recommend cooling yourself with lukewarm water on hot days. Ideally, it should be highly mineralized or medium-mineralized water. It will supplement the leached minerals and microelements
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

Adam Schaub worked for several hours in over thirty degrees of heat. He sat down in the air-conditioned cabin of his truck and wanted to cool down by drinking cold water. In one breath he drank two ice-cold bottles of water. And it started.

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Suddenly he felt strange. Spots and scotomas began to swarm before his eyes. He began to feel tingling in his hands and feet. He wanted to get out of the car, but only managed to open the door. The man passed out and fell out of the vehicle. He did not respond to calls, so his father called an ambulance. The attending medics described the event as a thermal shock.

With a sudden change in temperature, blood pressure increases and peripheral vasospasm occurs. In people with disease, this leads to ischemia of the heart muscle or the brain explains the essence of thermal shock cardiologist Dr. Jerzy Górny, MD, PhD.

In the case of Schaub, it ended with fear. The man, however, was only one step away from death. If he were alone, these would surely be the last two glasses of water in his life.

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Although it is a natural instinct to drink cold drinks on hot days, it is counterproductive. As dietitian Milena Nosek reminds in an interview with TVN, contrary to common practice, you should drink warm liquid or lukewarm. Our body is better at thermoregulation if we drink a summer or warm drink.

Thermal shock over the water how to avoid it

In summer, thermal shock most often occurs as a result of excessive and too hasty cooling of a warmed-up body. Therefore, to ensure that the bath is pleasant and takes place without life-threatening incidents, it is worth following the following tips:

  1. It is best to enter the water to the ankles at the beginning and then gradually submerge the next parts of the body. We should enter the water refreshed and well hydrated;
  2. People who want to swim on various types of surfboards should equip themselves with neoprene wetsuits to protect against sudden cold;
  3. When bathing, remember that the water temperature may drop very quickly as a result of strong water currents, which affects the comfort and safety of rest; 

What to drink to stay hydrated in summer?

Water should be your first choice in hot weather. Ideally, it should be highly mineralized or medium-mineralized water. This will allow you to replenish some of the minerals and micronutrients leached from the body.

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How much should you drink in hot weather?

To count the minimum amount of water necessary for the body, it is enough to use a simple algorithm. The body weight should be multiplied by 30 ml and 250 ml of water added to it.

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