He came to the hospital because he had lost his memory. Before that, he had made love with his wife

The 66-year-old Irishman showed up in the emergency room after suffering amnesia after having sexual intercourse with his wife. He did not remember that they celebrated their wedding anniversary together the day before. Memory came back after some time. Medicine describes such an episode as transient global amnesia.

  1. TGA, or Transient Global Amnesia, is a sudden, temporary episode of memory loss
  2. It can be caused by: physical exertion, rapid temperature change, strong emotional experience, pain, also … sexual intercourse
  3. The latter case is reported in the Irish Medical Journal.
  4. The 66-year-old from Ireland has lost his memory after having sex with his wife. Aware of what had happened to him, he showed up at the emergency room
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

He lost his memory after having sex with his wife

This unusual case has been described in the latest issue of the Irish Medical Journal. Doctors at the Department of Neurology at the University of Limerick Hospital (UHL) wrote there that sex triggered short-term amnesia known as transient global amnesia (TGA).

TGA is a sudden, temporary episode of memory loss that cannot be attributed to a more common neurological condition such as epilepsy or stroke. The onset of TGA is sudden and unpredictable. It usually lasts from a few to several hours, a maximum of a day. Such amnesia is most often observed in people between the ages of 50 and 80, although there are also cases in children. TGA symptoms are also accompanied by confusion about time (in almost 90% of cases) and place (in 50% of patients).

The IMJ describes that the 66-year-old lost his short-term memory within 10 minutes of intercourse. The situation took place in the afternoon. After intercourse, the man noticed the date on his phone and “was worried that he had forgotten his wedding anniversary the day before.” However, he did not forget. The married couple celebrated this special day that evening, but the man did not remember it. He had to question his wife and daughter about the events of the morning and the previous day.

Transient global amnesia – risk factors

As described by doctors, TGA can apply to events from the previous day as well as from a few years ago. In the case of the Irishman, long-term memory was not impaired. He was able to provide his full name, age and other biographical details.

The man had a history of TGA before. It was in 2015 and the episode also occurred after sexual intercourse. Some time later he regained his memory. Now, aware that it had happened to him once again, he went to the nearest emergency department. Neurological examination performed there showed no abnormalities. Some time later the memory came back.

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The authors of the article write that even 10 percent. TGA sufferers may experience another episode. They also explain possible causes. It is physical exertion, immersion in cold or hot water (rapid temperature changes), stress, strong emotional experiences, pain and sexual intercourse.

According to the Polish Psychiatric Association, TGA risk factors include: increased blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia, migraine headaches and diabetes. The 66-year-old from Ireland in his medical history has, inter alia, hypertension, gout and hypercholesterolaemia.

The risk of TGA is also increased by the psychological background: personality disorders, anxiety-depressive disorders and emotional instability.

Although incidents may be of concern to patients and their relatives, they are not considered dangerous to health. However, as the IMJ reads, “TGA is quite a diagnostic challenge, because its mechanism is poorly understood and it has symptoms that mimic other diseases«.

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