He ate the leftovers from the refrigerator. The doctor had to amputate both his legs and all his fingers

The 19-year-old American did not expect the leftovers from his refrigerator to be so dangerous. The man began vomiting shortly after eating and had problems with his eyesight, blood pressure and breathing. And there were petechiae on his skin. He was taken to hospital in serious condition, where he was diagnosed with meningococcal disease.

  1. The boy contracted meningococcus, which multiplied in food that had been stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Such a disease, if left untreated, can kill within hours
  2. Doctors, in order to save the uninfected part of the patient’s body, had to amputate both legs and all fingers of the man.
  3. Most likely, his illness would have been easier had he not missed the second dose of the vaccination. His fully vaccinated meningococcal roommate had milder symptoms
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A 19-year-old man was admitted to the intensive care unit of Massachusetts General Hospital for shock, multiple organ failure and rash. The first symptoms appeared when the patient ate rice, chicken, and refrigerated leftovers from a restaurant meal. First, there was abdominal pain, weakness and increasing pain in the muscles and in the chest. Over time, this was accompanied by shortness of breath, headaches, purple discoloration of the skin and vision problems.

The 19-year-old vomited in the hospital corridor. Then another warning light came on for the medics, because the greenish-yellow color of the vomit did not resemble any kind of food. A full package of studies was commissioned immediately, including blood and urine.

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Dangerous bacteria in food debris

The results shocked the doctors. The boy got infected meningococcal diseasewho was responsible, incl. for a stiff neck, nausea and respiratory failure. In extreme cases, this can lead to death within hours. Meningococcal disease was most likely caused by bacteria that had multiplied in food scraps.

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The fulminant purpura was responsible for skin discoloration. It is worth recalling that this is a condition characterized by a large number of clots throughout the body that can lead to the death of tissues. It is life-threatening if not treated immediately. As the Canadian Medical Association Journal notes, purpura may be a rare consequence of meningococcal disease.

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An amputation was necessary

After implementing the necessary treatment, the patient began to stabilize, but his body was so infected that it was life-threatening. This is why the medics decided to amputate both legs and all fingers.

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Doctors had one more mystery to solve. The same food as the 19-year-old was also eaten by his roommate. The man also vomited after eating leftover food, but did not react with such an acute illness. The question arose – why? After a careful study of the 19-year-old’s health card, it turned out that the first dose vaccine he received against meningococcus only at the age of 14. AND when he reached the age of 16, he did not take the recommended booster dose, while the roommate had both doses of the vaccinations behind him.

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