HCV test – pregnant, price

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HCV is the virus that causes hepatitis C. It is an infectious disease. We can perform HCV testing only 2 or even 6 weeks after the infection. This virus rarely makes itself felt immediately after being infected. Usually the diagnosis is made by chance. It should be mentioned that untreated HCV can cause cirrhosis of the liver and even hepatocellular carcinoma.

HCV test – pregnant

Are you wondering if HCV testing should be done in pregnancy? Thanks! It is best to do them up to the 10th week of pregnancy. The situation is different when the risk of infection is increased. The test should then be repeated between the 33rd and 37th week of pregnancy. HCV testing is mandatorymade from a blood sample, so it is completely safe for pregnant women. There is no need to pay for HCV testing during pregnancy. However, it is imperative that you obtain a referral from a gynecologist.

If HCV is detected in the mother, it does not mean that the pregnancy has a higher risk of birth defects for the fetus. However, it sometimes happens that the virus is passed on to a child. Conducting such a pregnancy does not differ from the standards of conduct in the case of other pregnant women. Care for a woman with HCV infection must be individually tailored to the needs. A woman who tested positive for HCV should be referred to an infectious disease clinic for further diagnosis. A child of a mother with a positive HCV test result should be thoroughly diagnosed in this direction. A child infected with HCV should be under the care of a specialist. HCV treatment should only be started after infection is confirmed.

HCV test – price

The price of the HCV test is not particularly high. Usually it does not cost more than PLN 35. However, if a test is needed, your doctor will order it. Of course, you can check if there are antibodies in your body. Symptoms such as:

  1. weakness,
  2. tiredness,
  3. itchy skin
  4. weight loss.

It is worth mentioning that a positive test result does not have to be a disease. It very often comes out in people who simply had contact with the virus. Infection always occurs in specific situations. It may be contact with blood that was infected, sexual contact with a large number of partners, frequent hospitalizations. A person who has an abnormal liver test result should also be tested. Occasionally, infection can occur during gastroscopy, colonoscopy, or bronchoscopy. You do not need to come to the HCV test on an empty stomach. Also, no special preparation is required.

This test is so widespread that it can be performed in almost every laboratory. It is said that around 200 people are infected in Poland alone.

Name of the study HCV
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for It is used to detect the virus that causes hepatitis C.
Indications for the examination Pregnancy, sudden weakness and fatigue
Standards The result can be positive or negative
Interpreting the results (at least basic) A positive result indicates the presence of an infection and a negative result does not.
How is the test going The test consists of collecting and testing blood.
How to prepare for the test There is no need to prepare.
Information to be reported prior to testing Lack.
How to behave after the examination Apply pressure to the injection site.
Possible complications after the examination Bruise
Other important (if any) x

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