HCG to take on an empty stomach or not: rules, on an empty stomach, does food affect it
HCG (human chronic gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced after the embryo is anchored in the uterus. This substance protects the fetus from rejection by the maternal body. The level of this hormone primarily indicates the presence or absence, and then about the course of pregnancy.
This test can confirm short term pregnancy. The presence of hCG in the blood is observed already on the 7-8th day after conception, but its level is still too insignificant to draw any conclusions.
HCG should only be taken on an empty stomach.
It is best to pass the test on the 12-13th day after conception or on the 4-5th day of the delay in menstruation. To track the dynamics of hCG, doctors recommend donating blood three times with a difference of 2 days at the same time.
Does food affect test results?
Pregnant women are interested in whether it is necessary to take hCG on an empty stomach or not. For the reliability of the results, it is best to take the test in the morning, without breakfast. If it is not possible to undergo the procedure in the morning, you can donate blood in the afternoon, but before that you need to refrain from food for 5-6 hours.
The day before the expected delivery of tests, you must exclude:
- any physical activity;
- heavy fatty and spicy foods;
- alcoholic beverages.
You cannot go to donate blood immediately after walking or climbing the stairs. It is necessary to sit down and rest a little so that the body returns to a calm state.
If a woman is taking medication, she should inform the doctor about this, as this may affect the test result.
What do hCG indicators mean when taking tests on an empty stomach?
Each period has its own indicator of the amount of the hormone. A result above the norm may indicate such conditions:
- multiple pregnancies;
- the presence of diabetes mellitus in the expectant mother;
- the presence of defects or hereditary diseases in the fetus.
In some cases, doctors simply incorrectly determine the gestational age, which is why the indicators do not converge.
Too low a hormone level is also dangerous. He may testify about:
- malfunctions of the placenta;
- high risk of miscarriage;
- delayed fetal development;
- ectopic or frozen pregnancy.
You don’t need to panic right away. Sometimes such results can be an error, so in such cases you need to pass the analysis again, observing all the rules.
Each laboratory has its own measurement standards. Therefore, the decryption of the data obtained is carried out in the same institution where the analysis was made.