HCG blood test in early pregnancy
Taking a blood test for hCG is a reliable way to determine pregnancy, because a special hormone begins to be produced in a woman’s body after conception. However, this analysis is prescribed for other purposes. Surprisingly, sometimes even men give it up.
Why do you need a hCG test?
A blood test for hCG in the early stages is very important. It not only determines the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also helps to control its course. Such an analysis is much more accurate than a test strip sold in pharmacies.
A blood test for hCG is needed for both men and women
Here are all the reasons why a woman may be prescribed to donate blood for hCG:
- detection of pregnancy;
- monitoring the course of pregnancy;
- identification of fetal defects;
- detection of an ectopic pregnancy;
- evaluation of the results of the abortion;
- diagnostics of amenorrhea;
- identification of the risk of miscarriage;
- detection of tumors.
Men are prescribed this test if a testicular tumor is suspected. This is an easy and quick way to identify a dangerous disease.
How to take a blood test for hCG?
No special preparation for the analysis is required. The only rule: you need to take it on an empty stomach. It is advisable to eat for the last time 8-10 hours before the analysis.
If you are taking any medications, you need to warn a specialist about this, who will be engaged in decoding the results of the analysis. Only one hormone can affect the result – the same hCG. It is often found in fertility drugs and medications to stimulate ovulation. No other substances can affect the analysis result.
Blood for analysis is taken from a vein
To detect pregnancy, you need to go to the laboratory no earlier than on the 4-5th day of the delay. After 2-3 days, blood can be donated again to confirm the result. If you need to donate blood for hCG after an abortion in order to find out how it went, then this should be done 1-2 days after the operation. But all repeated hCG tests during pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor who is engaged in its management, as needed.
The result of the analysis will be ready pretty quickly. On average – in 2,5-3 hours. Some laboratories can delay the response up to 4 hours, but not longer. Of course, waiting for an answer a little longer than from a test strip, but the result is more accurate.
One of the surest ways to detect pregnancy is to pass this analysis. If you do not trust the test or want to find out if you are pregnant, as soon as possible, go to the clinic or laboratory to donate blood for hCG.