HBs test – indications, mileage, price

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What is HBs antigen measured in the blood? This is an indicator that you have been infected with HBV. This always means you are at risk of hepatitis B. It can be detected as early as one month after infection.

HBs study – what is it about

Hbs study is performed from the patient’s blood sample. Special preparation is necessary. The examined person should be on an empty stomach. The sampling procedure itself is the same as taking a sample for basal morphology. Hbs antigen will not be detected in a healthy person. If the test result shows its presence, it means that the person being tested is undergoing liver inflammation. In some cases, it has already been traveled. However, each result should always be consulted with a doctor who, in case of doubt, will order other comprehensive tests. You should not analyze the obtained results yourself. Hbs study it is also ordered during pregnancy, most often in the third trimester. If the result is negative, the doctor assumes that the expectant mother does not have hepatitis B. This allows the newborn to be vaccinated. The situation is slightly different when the result is positive. Then the doctor sends the future mother to another examination. It is also necessary to consult an infectious disease doctor. Hbs antigen does not maintain a constant concentration in the blood – after about 2–4 months it begins to disappear. Then the body is considered to be convalescing. This antigen should be checked at the beginning of the disease – we will not be able to detect it later.

The HBs test in a package with other parameters related to the functioning of the liver can be purchased at Medonet Market. Order now the Liver package – diagnostic tests.

HBs test – how long does it take to get the result?

As HBs is an important study, we get the result relatively quickly. Usually it is available the next day. Consultation should take place as soon as possible. Only then will the doctor be able to take specific steps and monitor the infection. Women who test negative very often give birth prematurely. If the result is positive – the baby will be given special medications right after delivery. Treatment methods in adults depend on the stage of development. It is only possible to stop the progression of the disease. There is no way to get rid of HBV from your body.

HBs study – price

Usually there is no need to pay for study of HBs. In most cases, the referral is issued by a doctor, if of course there are indications for it, so we do it free of charge, at the National Health Fund. However, if for some reason we decide that we want to make them on our own, we do not have to take into account a large expense. Usually Dinner examination is not higher than PLN 25. However, it should be remembered that – even in the case of a positive test result – we will not be able to plan the treatment ourselves or monitor the progress of the disease. If in doubt, always consult the appropriate physician. Only a specialist is able to interpret the result and link it to a specific disease.

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