- Hazelnut vs Hazelnut – What’s the Difference?
- The chemical composition of hazelnuts
- The benefits of hazelnuts for the human body
- Is it possible to have hazelnuts while breastfeeding
- Is it possible to eat hazelnuts while losing weight
- The use of common hazel in medicine
- The use of hazelnut shells in folk medicine
- What is healthier – hazelnuts or cashews
- How many hazelnuts can you eat per day
- How much hazelnuts are digested
- Hazelnut strengthens or weakens
- Why is hazelnut bitter
- hazelnut poisoning
- Allergy to hazel
- Contraindications to the use of hazel fruits
- Conclusion
The benefits and harms of hazelnuts have been scientifically studied and evaluated by the consumer. Many people know about the incredible properties of nuts to saturate, replenish energy reserves and the ability of hazel fruits to cause intoxication. If, on occasion, you manage to feast on a sweetish, oily nut, it is important not to think about the consequences. It is better to first familiarize yourself with a useful product, find out the composition and some features of hazel, its ability to influence the body of healthy people and in the presence of pathology.
Hazelnut vs Hazelnut – What’s the Difference?
In the grocery basket, some percentage is occupied by nuts. The assortment on the shelves of stores of various types is quite large. When choosing between a hazelnut and a hazelnut, you rarely meet a person who knows the difference. Visually similar nuts are beneficial, but they also have some differences.
Hazelnut or hazel – refers to a wild culture. The abundance of the harvest can be seen on the bushes in the thickets of the deciduous forest. Man’s attempts to make the plant home were partially successful, because due to the lack of space in the country house or in the backyard, hazel should not be counted on for large harvests. In addition, the “in captivity” nut becomes more whimsical and requires special attention: rejuvenation, pruning, feeding.
Hazelnut is bred by breeders and is a cultivated type of nut. There are many varieties of this tree species, they are high yielding, have larger fruits and bring more benefits. Also, hazel is not an overly expensive product, but at the same time, it is not inferior to more “elite” nuts in terms of taste and valuable qualities.
Growing a garden crop – hazelnuts, summer residents have no problems, since the tree is able to extract nutrients from the bowels of the earth and does not need frequent saturation of the soil. A big plus of a cultivated nut is its resistance to pests, so there is no need to use chemicals to treat the nut. Also, when compared with hazel, the fruits significantly benefit in size and taste.
The chemical composition of hazelnuts
Hazelnuts are a source of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids necessary for the body. It is much more nutritious than the usual everyday foods – meat, potatoes, eggs. Most of the weight of the hazel is the kernel (60%), the rest of the nut is the shell. The most favorable climate for the comfortable growth of hazelnuts is the countries of the Mediterranean.
Several centuries ago, yogis described the nutritional value of hazelnuts in a few lines: nuts exceed the nutritional value of eggs, they outperform butter in terms of fat, and meat in terms of proteins, but at the same time, it is more comfortable for the digestive system to process hazelnuts, since it does not require a large amount of gastric juices.
The composition of microelements and macroelements in hazelnuts
Macro- and microelements in hazelnuts are presented in the table.
Microelelements | ||
Element | Name | mg |
Fe | Hardware | 4, 7 |
Zn | Zinc | 2, 45 |
Cu | Copper | 1, 73 |
Mn | Manganese | 6, 18 |
Se | Selenium | 2, 40 |
Al | Aluminum | 425 |
B | Bor | 170 |
I | Iodine | 0, 2 |
Macronutrients |
Element | Name | mg |
Ca | Calcium | 114 |
Mg | Magnesium | 163 |
Na | Sodium | 0 |
K | potassium | 680 |
Ph | Phosphorus | 290 |
Cl | Chlorine | 22 |
Si | Silicon | 50 |
S | Sulfur | 190 |
What vitamins are in hazelnuts
Vitamins in hazelnuts are described in the table.
Vitamin | Name | Quantity/mg |
Beta-carotene | Beta-carotene | 0, 01 |
C | Ascorbic acid | 1, 4 |
E | tocopherol | 20, 4 |
H | Biotin | 76 μg |
K | Philoquinones | 14 μg |
Pp | A nicotinic acid | 5, 2 |
niacin | niacin | 2 |
B1 | thiamine | 0, 3 |
B2 | riboflavin | 0, 1 |
B4 | Mixed | 45, 6 |
B5 | pantothenic | 1, 15 |
B6 | pyridoxine | 0, 563 |
B9 | folate | 113 μg |
A | retinol | 2 μg |
Vitamin A helps to strengthen the barrier functions in the body, helps to resist viruses, bacteria, restore damaged cells. Hazel is endowed with powerful regenerating properties. Vitamin E is important for prolonging the youth and beauty of women. It is necessary to give elasticity to the skin and shine to the hair. It is in his power to stop the aging process for a while, to adjust blood circulation and the state of blood flow.
Vitamin K is essential for bone cell synthesis and blood clotting. B4 excludes psycho-emotional disorders and depressive states.
How many calories in hazelnuts
Subject to dietary nutrition, hazelnuts are introduced into the diet in small portions, since the calorie content per 100 grams is 651 kcal.
A glass of 250 ml contains up to 165 g of hazel kernels, which means that after consuming such an amount of delicacy, the body receives almost a daily calorie intake of a person on a diet – 1074 kcal.
In a glass of 200 ml, 130 g of hazelnuts – 846 kcal. If you scoop up the nut kernels with a tablespoon, you will get up to 3 g of the product, which is 30 kcal and can replace a full snack in terms of nutrition.
How many carbs are in hazelnuts
At a rate of carbohydrates for the body of 211, hazelnuts contain 9 g. Of the total mass of digestible starch and dextrins, 4 g are accounted for, 5 g are sugars.
The benefits of hazelnuts for the human body
To get the maximum benefit from hazelnuts, it is advised to consume it in small portions in its raw form. Roasted nuts are also useful, but during heat treatment, most of the valuable substances are lost. For people who are sensitive about counting calories, it is also worth remembering that raw hazelnuts are lower in calories.
Regardless of gender type and physiological characteristics, a person needs to include hazel in the diet for the following reasons:
- a small handful of hazelnuts can relieve hunger;
- hazelnuts help to quickly restore strength after surgery;
- eliminates iron deficiency (anemia, anemia), improves blood composition;
- hazel improves the function of the myocardium and vascular system – gives them strength and elasticity;
- walnut has a positive effect on the patient’s condition with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
- hazelnut restores nutrient reserves;
- walnut strengthens muscle fibers;
- the nucleus has a positive effect on the function of the digestive organs;
- hazel has antioxidant properties, removes toxic compounds, toxins;
- the use of hazelnuts prevents the manifestation of neoplasms of any etiology;
- walnut stimulates the brain, improves the efficiency of the function;
- regular use of hazel normalizes sleep, calms the nervous system, eliminates signs of depression;
- consumption of hazelnuts eliminates the lack of vitamins, eliminates the appearance of beriberi;
- walnut is an excellent antihelminthic;
- hazel quickly regenerates tissue after a burn;
- walnut has a healing effect in dermatitis.
The list of possibilities makes hazel an indispensable product on the table, but it should be noted that the nut affects all people in different ways. Admiring the beneficial properties, one should also take into account the contraindications of hazelnuts for the body.
What is useful hazelnuts for women
Walnut is useful for women and it is difficult to overestimate the properties of hazelnuts. It is applied:
- for the treatment of breast cancer;
- as a remedy for obesity;
- as an alternative to drugs that cleanse the liver of toxins;
- to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
- with intense physical exertion;
- as an excellent immunostimulant;
- with a tendency to melancholy, depression;
- for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
- if necessary, improve brain activity;
- to improve lactation.
When combining nuts with milk, the product helps to cope with infectious diseases.
What is useful hazelnuts for men
Consumption of hazelnuts can be a prevention of problems associated with the prostate, and also the nut, thanks to the phytosterol included in the structure, reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.
The composition of the nuclei stimulates the production of male hormones, which has a positive effect on the quality of sperm and intimacy.
What is useful hazelnuts during pregnancy
Doctors often recommend diluting the habitual diet of a pregnant woman with hazelnut kernels. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the course of gestation, the development of the fetus. They also regulate the weight of the expectant mother and improve stool, eliminate constipation. A small handful of hazelnuts can quickly saturate the body, the benefits for pregnant women are obvious – hazelnuts control weight, which is important for women during this period.
When forming the baby’s skeleton, the nut performs the building function of bone tissue and has a positive effect on nerve cells. Hazelnuts may well replace vitamin complexes prescribed by a specialist.
The structure of hazel contains calcium and phosphorus, which are so important for the building function of bone tissue. Tocopherol is involved in the formation of the full functioning of the respiratory system. Vitamin E affects the maturation of the placenta and metabolic processes in it, does not allow exfoliation.
A pregnant woman needs products that are beneficial and contain iron, as it is involved in hematopoietic processes. Hazelnut improves blood quality.
What is useful hazelnuts for children
Hazelnuts are allowed to be introduced into the diet of a child from the age of three. From this age, children independently absorb the beneficial components of food. Children:
- from 3 to 5 years it is not recommended to give more than 3 nuts per day;
- from 5 to 7 years – up to 4;
- from 7 years – up to 7 pieces.
Nuts are given to children in order to give strength, strengthen immunity, and saturate them with vitamins.
Hazelnuts are useful for children, as they have a positive effect on the development of the skeleton, the muscular system, and mental development. When treating a baby with kernels, you can not include pharmacy vitamins in your diet.
Is it possible to have hazelnuts while breastfeeding
Hazelnut kernels are useful when breastfeeding, as they stimulate milk production during lactation. They affect the quality of the secret, enriching it with nutrients. Prolonged natural feeding of the baby contributes to the formation of strong immunity, therefore, it is important for every woman to extend the period of breastfeeding for a year, two or more.
Is it possible to eat hazelnuts while losing weight
Having chosen a low-calorie diet for yourself, there is no doubt that 30 g of healthy nuts will not cross out all the work, but it is necessary to include them in the total calorie count. The best time to take treats is in the first half of the day, as a snack.
The use of common hazel in medicine
Common hazel, or hazel, has found its application in medicine, but only in alternative medicine. Adherents of conservative therapy do not use medicines based on the components of the plant that brings benefits. In the 20th century, an external agent “L2 Lesovaya” was prepared from hazel. The liquid was prescribed for dermatological problems, but due to low efficiency, it was discontinued.
Due to the fact that non-traditional methods of treatment are popular today, people draw many useful properties from the kernels, leaves, bark of hazelnut bushes.
Forest hazel has the following effect:
- regenerating, restoring;
- disinfectant;
- antipyretic;
- strengthening the barrier functions of the body;
- astringent, antidysentery;
- improving digestive function;
- cleansing the ureters from stones;
- vasodilator.
The abundance of potassium in hazel improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, since, by replacing sodium, it relieves the muscle of excessive stress. Under the influence of the element, the vessels become stronger and more elastic. Hazelnuts are recommended for use in the diagnosis:
- heart failure;
- IHD;
- age-related wear of the heart;
- atherosclerosis;
- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
- angina pectoris, hypertension;
- sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
- hemorrhoids.
With the help of calcium and phosphorus, bone tissue is formed, bones and teeth are renewed. Phosphorus also energizes tissues, muscles, and nerves. It follows from this that hazel kernels are shown under the following conditions:
- excessive mental stress;
- joint ailments;
- rheumatism;
- neuropathies, senile dementia;
- pathology of the bronchi and lungs.
Fatty acids contained in hazelnuts heal ulcers, gastritis, inflammatory foci in the digestive apparatus, improve the function of bile secretion, and reduce blood toxicity.
Hazelnuts for type 2 diabetes
With an increased content of glucose in the blood, hazelnuts can be consumed raw and fried. From a small list of acceptable types, hazel differs in that it contains more manganese and does not contain sodium or cholesterol. Eating 30 g of kernels per day can be a good way to prevent diabetes.
Hazelnuts for gout
With gout on the legs, all types of nuts are shown, except for peanuts, seeds are also useful. Hazel should be preferred because of its positive effect on bones and joints.
Hazelnut for potency
Hazelnut is essential for men’s health. It improves blood circulation, maintains fat balance, and prevents clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques. Full blood circulation and the quality of potency are closely related.
Thanks to zinc and selenium in the structure of hazelnuts, the production of male hormones improves, sperm is synthesized with better quality indicators. Lysine amino acids present in the nuclei enhance erection.
Hazelnuts for gastritis
Like any nut, hazel is heavy on the stomach. The nut is hard, and with gastritis it can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. In order for the kernels to act therapeutically on the foci in the digestive organs, it is first recommended to chop the nut or chew it more intensively. The product must be included in the daily diet, but not in the phase of exacerbation of the pathology.
Treatment of prostatitis with hazel
For the treatment of prostatitis, leaves, fruits, oil, hazelnut bark are used. Alternative medicine has learned to use all the components of the plant for medicinal purposes. To eliminate the disease, prepare any convenient dosage form from hazel or resort to the proposed methods:
- therapeutic heating: leaves and branches of hazel (0,5/1 of the container) are folded into a 3 l saucepan, boiled after boiling for 25 minutes – the prostate area is heated over the pelvis;
- infusion of hazel leaves: leaves crushed in a coffee grinder with hazelnut bark (2 tablespoons), pour boiling water (400 ml), wrapped, kept for 2 hours – consumed four times a day for half a glass;
- hazel bark for prostatitis: crushed bark (2 tablespoons), combined with boiled water (400 ml), simmered in a bath (10 minutes), a glass of warm water is added to the resulting volume – taken four times a day for half a glass.
The use of hazelnut shells in folk medicine
The shell of hazel is useful for both men and women. It is used to treat prostatitis and uterine fibroids. A decoction of hazelnut peel has a wide spectrum of action. By consuming the required dose before each meal, they treat the genital area, improve reproductive function, get rid of colitis, low blood pressure, and weakness.
Hazelnut shell decoction: hazelnut shells from 2 kg of nuts, pour water (3 l), bring to a boil, simmer for 4 hours, then stand for 45 minutes – use 30 ml before meals.
Hazelnut shells are crushed to a powder state and brought into the bath while bathing. With problems with the joints, dermatological ailments, dysentery – the shells of the hazel nuclei provide an excellent therapeutic agent.
Crushed hazelnut shells are a ready-made substance for hemorrhoids and diarrhea with a chronic course.
There are effective recipes from the peel for toxins, toxins, and oncology. Tincture on hazelnut shells: immature hazel fruits (15 pieces), pour vodka or diluted alcohol (1 l) – kept without light for up to 5 days. Consume in the morning, before meals, 40 tablespoon.
What is healthier – hazelnuts or cashews
To figure out which fruit is more useful, it is worth giving them a brief description.
- Hazel includes 12% protein, 16% carbohydrates, more than 60% fat, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is not forbidden to eat a nut even with a high level of glucose in the blood. Hazelnut has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It is indicated for pathologies of the heart and blood flow, varicose veins. Due to its low carbohydrate content, hazel is acceptable and beneficial in dietary nutrition.
- Cashew includes nicotinic acid, carotene, riboflavin. Indications for use may be: pathologies of an inflammatory nature on the gums, dermatological diseases, dystrophy. In India, it is used as an antidote.
In the world, cardiovascular pathologies occupy a leading position in the list of dangerous diseases. You can combine several types of nuts, because it is not only a food product, a delicacy, but also an auxiliary drug in the treatment.
How many hazelnuts can you eat per day
The norm of nuts for an adult is 30 g of hazelnuts per day, and this is up to about 10 pieces. If necessary, follow a diet, the volume is reduced to 20 g.
Hazel is given to children with special care. They are introduced into the diet from the age of 3, starting with one core, gradually increasing to 7 pieces.
During the period of gestation and lactation, the volume of hazel does not change, but it is recommended to use it in crushed form to eliminate heaviness in the stomach. A nursing mother should remember that the nut is an allergen and should carefully monitor the baby’s reaction to the product. Hazelnuts with honey are useful, but not everyone can consume two allergens at a time when breastfeeding, it is better to introduce products into the diet one by one.
How much hazelnuts are digested
Hazel is good for a snack, as several kernels can satisfy hunger for 2-3 hours. This is explained by the fact that it takes time to digest hazelnuts. Nutritionists recommend using the product in the morning or soaking the kernels in water before use. After such a procedure, the processing of hazel is accelerated.
Hazelnut strengthens or weakens
Hazelnut is hard on digestion, but when used properly, it is healthy. If you do not exceed the recommended dose, the stool will be normal. With the use of large volumes of hazelnut kernels, constipation is guaranteed, which can subsequently cause hemorrhoids.
Why is hazelnut bitter
Hazel is saturated with fats, therefore, during long-term storage, the product may become rancid. An unpleasant aftertaste is a sign that last year’s hazelnut crop was stored incorrectly.
hazelnut poisoning
The benefits of hazelnuts are obvious, and it is almost impossible to harm the body with a nut. But it doesn’t take much to turn a useful product into a dangerous one.
If hazel is stored without a shell, it quickly deteriorates. Brushing aside the bitter taste, further use can provoke food poisoning. Symptoms can make themselves felt if a person is allergic to the product, as well as with individual immunity.
When poisoning with hazelnut kernels, the symptoms are as follows:
- nausea and bouts of vomiting;
- abdominal cramps;
- diarrhea;
- prostration;
- loss of consciousness;
- tachycardia alternates with bradycardia.
At the first sign of nut poisoning, an ambulance should be called.
Allergy to hazel
Hazelnut brings great benefits and in some cases quite serious harm. An allergic reaction occurs due to pollen in the fruit and a protein similar in structure to that found in birch. Hazel causes the development of severe asthma, Quincke’s edema, anaphylactic shock. Since the hazel begins to bloom at the end of March, you should prepare for this period in advance. Hazel leaves are endowed with medicinal properties, but there are also contraindications – people diagnosed with hay fever should avoid such treatments.
Signs of hazel allergy:
- inflammation of mucous tissues;
- itching, urticaria;
- deterioration of vision;
- sneezing;
- perspiration;
- labored breathing;
- peeling of the skin.
Symptoms of the disease require the intervention of doctors. It is important to smooth out the symptoms in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of chronic bronchial asthma.
Contraindications to the use of hazel fruits
Despite the beneficial properties of hazel, there are contraindications for the product, which should be considered so as not to harm health and not aggravate the course of certain pathologies.
A large amount of eaten hazelnuts can cause:
- an allergic reaction;
- headache;
- constipation.
Hazel is not used for autoimmune diseases and people with sensitization. You can not feast on hazelnuts with psoriasis, diathesis, urticaria, dermatitis.
The benefits and harms of hazelnuts are two concepts between which there is a fine line. Possessing medicinal properties, a nut, like any medicine, can be a panacea, or it can turn into poison overnight. Even if we consider a healthy product as a treat, it is important to observe the measure so as not to create health problems for ourselves.