Hazelnut tincture (hazelnut, hazel)

Homemade hazelnut tincture is remembered for its light nutty aroma and rich taste with hints of sweetness in the aftertaste. It is drunk very easily, the high fortress is almost imperceptible.

Requires ripe hazelnuts with a hard shell and a pleasant aroma (no mustiness). As an alcohol base, double-distilled moonshine, store-bought vodka, or diluted ethyl alcohol are suitable.

hazelnut tincture recipe


  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 1 l;
  • hazelnuts – 50 g;
  • raisins – 15 pieces;
  • sugar (honey) – 25-100 g (to taste).

Raisins soften the taste. Instead of sugar, you can take buckwheat or flower honey (preferably liquid). At the initial stage of preparation, I advise you to add only a little sugar or honey, and finally sweeten the drink after infusion.

Technology of preparation

1. Rinse hazelnuts in water, put in a single layer on a dry, clean baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 100 ° C. Dry until a light nutty aroma appears, stir occasionally.

Attention! It is important not to overbake the hazelnuts (the shell should not turn black), otherwise an unpleasant bitter aftertaste will appear in the tincture.

2. Remove the hazel from the oven and cool to room temperature. Crush the nuts. The easiest way to do this is with a hammer, folding hazelnuts into a cloth bag. Chopped hazel is better extracted with alcohol.

3. Lightly fry the raisins in a clean, dry frying pan, the berries should not turn black. Roasting enhances the flavor and aroma.

4. Place hazelnuts and baked raisins in a glass container for infusion. Pour in the alcohol base (vodka, moonshine or alcohol). Add sugar or honey to taste. Mix, seal tightly.

5. Infuse for 15 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the container every 2 days, keep the last 3 days at rest.

6. Strain the finished hazelnut tincture through several layers of gauze. Taste the drink, optionally sweeten it with sugar or honey.

If transparency is required, filter the tincture through cotton wool or a coffee filter. Filtering only improves the appearance, but does not affect the taste.

7. Pour the drink into storage bottles. Close hermetically. Leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or cellar to stabilize the taste.

When stored away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of homemade hazelnut tincture is up to 3 years. Fortress – 32-34% vol.

Hazelnut tincture (hazelnut, hazel)

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