Hazelnut – hazelnut seedlings and description of varieties
The different varieties of hazelnuts are hybrids of hazelnuts that grow freely in the wild. Ease of cultivation, unpretentiousness to soil and climate, nutritional value and usefulness of nuts make this shrub beneficial for private and industrial farms.
Description of the hazelnut variety, its beneficial properties
Hazelnuts, especially their large-leaved species, are often planted not only for nuts, but also to decorate the garden. The height of this deciduous shrub is about 3 m. It blooms early, somewhere in March, covered with catkins – male and female – bud-like flowers. Like other monoecious plants, it requires the neighborhood of at least 2 other varieties. This significantly increases yields. The culture is frost-resistant, characterized by abundant regular fruiting. She is not afraid of frosts and even frosts down to -30 ° C.
Different varieties of hazelnuts easily adapt to soil and climate
Nut kernels are rich in fats, vitamins, amino acids and minerals necessary for the health of the body. They are used to make butter, used in the confectionery industry for making sweets, chocolate, and a substitute for coffee. Wood is highly valued and used for making furniture.
Why is it profitable to grow hazelnuts on an industrial scale and in private garden plots:
- High yield – up to 7 kg / bush.
- Medicinal properties of leaves, bark, kernels and shells. Oil, extracts, extracts, teas from different parts of the plant are especially useful for children and the elderly.
- Long shelf life, up to 2 years.
- Simplicity in agricultural machinery.
- All types of soils are suitable for the shrub, except for saline, dense clayey and overdried sandy soils.
Hazelnuts are durable, they can delight with harvests in the same place for about 100 years. The most productive years are considered to be 6-20 years. Older bushes rejuvenate by cutting to ground level. New shoots begin to bear fruit abundantly again.
Planting and caring for hazelnut seedlings
Seedlings of different varieties of hazelnuts are planted in autumn or early spring. It is better to plant shrubs in sunny areas. They root well even on slopes, but do not develop well in wetlands. Shrubs on the slopes strengthen the soil layer and prevent erosion. The distance between seedlings should be 4-5 m, the gap between rows should be up to 6 m.
A mixture of organic mineral fertilizers and earth is placed in the pit, a seedling is placed on a mound, the remaining mixture is added, and tamped. The root collar is not instilled. Water well – about 20 liters of water, mulch with organic matter.
Culture care is not difficult. It consists of:
- in watering, especially in the dry season;
- top dressing – 2 kg of compost is applied every 3 or 5 years; complex fertilizers are fed twice a season;
- pruning in autumn – formative and thinning; 9-10 stems are left as the basis of the bush;
- removal of root shoots every 5-6 years.
Proper crop care will ensure a bountiful harvest of nuts.
Growing a small hazel tree on the site is an opportunity to get a healthy nutritional supplement and decorate the site with picturesque shrubs.